Social worker

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Carina pov

I felt Evie begin to stir against my chest so I stroked her hair and pressed a kiss to her forehead, "Hey Evie," I said softly as she rubbed her eyes, she also hadn't noticed Maya on the couch opposite my desk. "There's someone here that I'd like you to meet, okay?" She whipped her head round to see Maya with a sweet smile on her face.

"Hi Evie, I'm Maya," she said softly.

"Is she going to take me away?" Evie asked, sounding panicked and her breathing becoming heavier.

"No no no, that's not what she's going to do. She's actually my wife," I explained as I tucked a piece of her brown hair behind her ear, "And she's a firefighter, so she helps people everyday and she's the kindest person in the whole world," I said while running my thumb across the small girl's cheek. "We've spoken to Jessica and she's on her way here now to speak to you, is that alright?" As I said it her body slumped and she looked away from me. "What's wrong?"

"She's going to take me back there, or she's going to take me somewhere else that's horrible," she said, her little chin beginning to wobble. "I just want to stay with you."

"I know, let's see what Jessica says but I won't let you go somewhere horrible. I'll make sure you go to the best place," I said, kissing her forehead again.

Twenty minutes later, there was a knock on my door and Evie's whole body tensed. We had moved to sit next to Maya on the couch and Evie was playing a game on Maya's phone. I got up to answer the door and Maya wrapped an arm around Evie, "Hi, are you Jessica?" I asked the sweet looking blonde woman.

"I am, I understand you've got Evie with you?"

"We do. Come in," I said as I invited her into the room. She crouched down in front of Evie and Maya and displayed a gentle smile on her face.

"Hi Evie," she said sweetly, obviously having had many conversations with her before. But Evie didn't reply, she just turned her body into Maya and buried her face into her chest. "What's happened?"

"She left me here and drove away," Evie said, her voice muffled my Maya.

"Who did?"

"That mean lady you left me with," Evie said, louder this time.

"Ah, okay. Well, we should probably get you home. Say thank you to Carina and Maya for looking after you," Jessica said as she stood up, she seemed a lot less kind now.

"No, you can't take me back there," Evie said, clinging to Maya's shirt.

"I'm sorry for intruding. I'm not trying to tell you how to do your job, but she shouldn't go back to someone who left her here and locks her in a room," I interrupted.

"It's just the way it goes. The foster system is overflowing and not everyone can go to nice homes," she shrugged, "Evie come on."

"She can live with us. We'll foster her," I said.

"Who's we?" She asked, putting her hand on her hip.

"Maya and I. She's my wife and we already have a daughter named Harley and we live in a six bedroom house in a really nice neighbourhood with a big backyard, it would be perfect," I said, trying to stop her from moving any closer to the door.

"Are you registered foster carers?" She said sassily.

"No but we could be. How about this; you come to our house now and have a look around and then Evie stays with us tonight and we'll do all the legal paperwork tomorrow," I said, occasionally glancing at Maya to see her comforting Evie.

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