Come back

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August 14th
Harley: Hi Carina, it's Harley. I wanted to let you know that we're back from California and my mom is being stubborn and refusing to admit that she's sad without you. We're going to be home for dinner tomorrow so please please please come over because my mom deserves to be happy and stop worrying about me. I also miss you loads so please come. Love from Harley Jade xx

Carina: Hi Harley, happy to hear you're back from vacation but I won't be round tomorrow because your mom hasn't asked to speak to me. As much as I miss you guys I can't force something that she is having second thoughts about. So sorry, bambina x

Harley: Please, Carina. She misses you so much, she's miserable. Just come for ten minutes, please. I'm begging you.

Carina: I'll think about it, but no promises.

Maya pov
At 7pm, Harley and I were sat at the table finishing up dinner when the doorbell rang. "I'll go," I said as I got up from the table, Harley had an oddly smug look on her face. I swung the door open to reveal a nervous looking Carina standing on my porch looking gorgeous in black mom jeans with a grey t-shirt tucked into the waist.

"Hi," she said timidly, her Italian accent that I had missed so much being so prominent.

"Hi, are you okay? How did you know we were back?" I asked, suddenly realising I hadn't told her when we were coming back from California. She signalled behind me with her head to a guilty looking Harley who stood up and ran up the stairs.

"Wasn't me. Please don't kill me. You're going to thank me some day," she rambled as she ran up the stairs.

"We got that cleared up," I laughed nervously, "Are you okay?"

"Not really," she said while looking at her foot that she was twisting on the ground, "I'm sort of mad at you but also sort of sad and missing you. I just don't understand how you decided so quickly that we needed a break, we were all over each other one minute and then you were on,y doorstep basically ending our relationship. I just don't understand," she said, her hands in her pockets and her deep brown eyes staring into my blue ones.

"Carina, I'm sorry but it wasn't fair on Harley, she's my priority and if me being with you is upsetting her then I need to put that on hold," I explained, trying not to show how much I love and miss her, but Harley is my priority.

"I would get it if it was true, Maya, but it isn't. She messaged me to get me to come here, she wants you to be happy and stop worrying about her so much. I'm here and I love you and I want to make you happy," she said, still standing on the porch but now occasionally tapping her hands on her thighs.

"Carina, I -"

"You know, it's weird because if it was anyone else I wouldn't be standing here right now. I would let my Italian stubbornness take over and refuse to talk to you. But because it's you - the love of my life who I'm going to fight for time and time again - I'm here, telling you I miss you and I love you and I want us to be together," she was beginning to cry, small tears escaping her eyes that I desperately wanted to wipe away and pull her into my embrace to make it all better, but I had caused her heartache. I ignored all the voices in my head and stepped out onto the porch and held her face in my hands, and eventually pulled her in to my face for a bruising kiss.

"I love you. And I was scared and using Harley as an excuse to avoid being hurt in the future but just ended up hurting myself more," I said, hands on her face, stroking her cheeks with my thumbs.

"I know. Let's just put it behind us, okay?" I nodded before leaning back in to kiss her passionately.

"Yay!" I heard Harley say from the doorway.

"You need to stop meddling in my business," I said to the slightly guilty looking teenager in the doorway.

"Yeah but it worked," she shrugged before making her way over to hug Carina, "I missed you," she said quietly.

"I missed you too, bambina," she said, running her hand over my daughter's long blonde hair.

"Come on, let's go inside," I suggested.

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