First day of school

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Maya pov
September 1st

My alarm went off at 6:00 so I stuck my hand out to turn it off and then rolled over to kiss Carina but was greeted by an empty space in my bed with a pink sticky note in it that read 'Got called into work for an emergency. I'm so sorry, I'll call you later. I love you and good luck with school drop off. C xx'. I then pulled my bed cover over my head and released a long sigh; I couldn't believe I was going to have to do Evie's first school drop off on my own. I rolled out of bed and then slipped out of my room to wake Harley up. I went into her room and found Evie lay across the foot of the bed - I think Evie just gets into Harley's bed in the middle of the night without Harley knowing because it is very rare to find Evie in her own bed - and then went to Harley's side and stroked my hand through her hair, "Harley, it's six o'clock," I said quietly next to her ear.

"Good morning," she murmured with her eyes closed, stretching her arms out in front of her.

"Be careful because Evie is asleep on the end of the bed," I laughed in a whisper.

"I didn't tell her to come in, I promise," she replied, looking to the end of the bed to see the brunette spread across it.

"I know," I said as I kissed her cheek, "happy first day of Junior year, lovey."

"Woah, that's weird," she laughed, sitting up to rub her eyes, "I'm in Junior year," she said with wide eyes.

"You sure are."

"Isn't it so weird that when I was going into freshman year we didn't even know Carina and now you're married and we have Evie," she said.

"Crazy," I replied, pressing one last kiss to her forehead before leaving the room, "I would say to try not to wake Evie but I don't think she's waking up any time soon," I laughed as I walked into the hallway and Harley went into her bathroom.


At 7:00 Harley came into the kitchen in blue jeans and a red t-shirt, her blonde hair curled around her shoulders. "Evie is still asleep by the way," she said as she came in and started to pour a bowl of cereal.

"Okay, I'll go wake her up now," I said, starting to leave the kitchen.

"Where's Carina?" Harley asked, suddenly noticing the silence in our house.

"Got called into work for an emergency," I sighed, "So I am going to brave Evie's tantrum on my own."

"You'll be fine," she laughed.

When I got up to Harley's room, I lay on her bed next to Evie and ran my hands through her long hair, "Evie," I said softly, "Evie, you need to wake up now." Her eyes began to flutter open arms she stretched her arms above her head, "Good morning, little bug," I whispered, rubbing my nose against her's.

"Morning," she said in her cute croaky morning voice.

"Happy first day of school," I said, kissing her nose before wriggling off the bed and going into Evie's room. She quickly followed after me and watched me go through her clothes.

"Where's Carina?" She asked sweetly, wrapping her arm around my leg.

"She got called into work for an emergency but you'll see her after school," I explained as I pulled a pair of denim overalls out of her closet and a lilac t-shirt.

"Do you stay at school all day?" Evie asked, obvious confusion all over her face.

"Yeah and then you get picked up at the end of the day. But once you're settled into school you'll be able to go on the bus with Harley," I said, leading her to the bathroom to brush her teeth.

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