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July 25th
Maya pov

"Good morning!" Harley yelled as she swung my bedroom door open, ran towards my bed and dived onto it.

"Morning, you okay, buggie?" I asked as she settled herself in my bed.

"Yep. Are we still going out for dinner?" She asked sweetly.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry, I completely forgot about dinner," I said before her face dropped and flashed with disappointment. "I'm going out for dinner with Carina," I said with a sorry face.

"It's fine," Harley replied quietly before slipping out of my bed, "Have a nice evening and I'll see you later because I'm seeing Avery today," she said while making her way out of the room back to her own.

"Ugh," I groaned as a I flopped back down on my bed and rubbed my face with my hands. I had completely forgotten that I told Harley we would go out for dinner together on my day off today so I agreed to a date with Carina, which has now caused me to have a very disappointed daughter and a girlfriend who is oblivious to the situation. I rolled out of bed, made my way to Harley's room and poked my head around the door to see her picking out an outfit from her closet, "Harls," I said quietly to catch her attention.

"Yeah," she snapped.

"I'm really sorry that I forgot about dinner but I'll cancel on Carina and we can still go," I said, still standing in the doorway.

"It doesn't matter. Have dinner with Carina and I'll see you later," she said, pushing her drawer shut harshly.

"If that's what you want."

"Yeah," she seemed unsure but turned away and began to make her bed so I walked away.


At 4pm I was sitting in the living room when I heard the front door open and close and then footsteps running up the stairs. Harley. I followed her up the stairs and found her sitting on her bed reading a book, so I made my way in and sat next to her. "Tell me what's wrong," I said, causing her to put her book down but still not look at me. "Come on, tell me," I brushed a piece of her blonde hair away from her face to reveal her watery eyes.

"I really really like Carina but I just feel like she comes before me now, when it's always just been me and you," she said, looking down at her fiddling hands.

"Harley, I'm so sorry, I never wanted you to feel like that," I said while stroking my hand over her blonde locks.

"I was just excited for us to go out for dinner on a Friday because you usually see Carina on Fridays so I don't," she shrugged.

"I know. I'm going to text Carina right now and cancel and then me and you are going to have the best Mommy and Harley dinner date ever, okay?" I said, trying to her her to feel a little happier.

"You don't have to do that."

"Yes I do. We'll leave at 5:30 and you can choose anywhere you want to go, okay?" She nodded in response and I made my way back downstairs to text Carina.

Carina <3
Maya: Hi Baby. I'm so sorry but I can't do dinner tonight anymore because I accidentally forgot about agreeing to take Harley out. I'll come by tomorrow and explain everything. Love you xx
Carina: Okay, no problem. See you tomorrow, love you xx


I knocked on Carina's front door and stepped back to wait for her to open it. "Hi," she said with a smile as she opened the door.

"Hi," I said quietly, with a contrasting mood to her's.

"You okay? Do you want to come in?" She said, confused by my lack of enthusiasm.

"I'll stay out here."

"Was Harley okay yesterday? I never would have suggested dinner if I knew you'd already promised her," she said, leaning against the doorframe, legs crossed at the ankles, looking so effortlessly beautiful.

"She was fine but the whole situation made me realise that I hadn't thought about how our relationship was affecting her. So I need to tell you something that I don't really know how to say."

"What is it, bambina?"

"I need us to take a break for a little while. Harley and I will go to California next week and then I'll talk to you when we get back, she's my main priority and always will be so I need to spend some time with her," I said, not being able to look at Carina in the doorway.

"Okay, I'll see you when you come back," she started to turn back into the house before thinking of something else to say, "Tell Harley that I'm really sorry for taking up too much of your time and that I hope she does well in cross country on Friday," she said shakily, her eyes filling with tears before she went inside the house and closed the door in my face. I couldn't believe she remembered Harley's race on Friday which made me realise how much she loved and cared for not just me but my daughter as well.

When I got home, Harley came running down the stairs but when she saw me her smile dropped, "I thought you were bringing Carina back with you, I wanted to show her something," she said with a furrowed brow.

"No she's not here and she's not coming to California anymore," I shrugged.

"What? Why?"

"I think I we just need some time away from each other so I can focus on you," I started making my way into the kitchen with Harley following me like a shadow.

"No Mom. She loves you and you love her you can't break up with her," she said loudly.

"I didn't break up with her, I just said we needed some time apart and I would talk to her after vacation."

"No. Mom, you're completely overreacting, I just wanted to spend one night with you. I didn't want you to break up with Carina, I really like her. She's sort of like another mom and we like all the same books and TV shows. And now who's going to take me to track when you get stuck at work?"

"Harley, this is not up for discussion. And Carina has her own life that doesn't involve taking you to track and your similar taste in books, so drop it please," I said, more harshly than I meant to, but had I made the wrong choice?

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