4.1 - Apologies

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Over the summer, change was occurring everywhere. Sirius ran away from his abusive parents and started living with the Potters, and Regulus was now living alone with Orion and Walburga. Pandora started dating Xenophilius, and had been updating Ophelia through letters about it all summer. 

The one thing that didn't seem to change over the break were Ophelia's feelings towards Regulus. Catching him cheating in Quidditch after he promised to stop made Ophelia realise that he was no good, just like everyone told her.

One thing about Ophelia's relationship with Regulus was that she always had hope for him. When everyone told her to stay away from Regulus, she chose to see the good in him and stay. It pains her to admit, but through all of her anger and resentment towards him, that hope was still there. 

Ignoring that hope, Ophelia was heading to the train station with James and Sirius, planning to stay away from Regulus for the entire school year. 

After saying goodbye to Euphemia and Fleamont, the three kids got on the train together, ready for the new year. The boys said goodbye to Ophelia and went to sit with their friend group, leaving her alone in an empty train cabin.  

Meanwhile, Regulus Black was waiting on the platform for his friend Barty Crouch Jr., and they were about to board the Hogwarts Express. Barty suggested the two of them sit somewhere different than usual, but Regulus rejected the idea. 

"I need to see Ophelia. She can't still be upset over what happened in June, can she?" Regulus asked. 

"Of course she's still upset." Barty told him. 

"But, I'm going to apologise again." Regulus said, stepping into the train. 

"And she's not going to listen. That girl is a prude, and she's obviously not meant to be a Slytherin if she's against a little magic to win a game."

"Don't talk about her like that." Regulus said. "She was right. I broke a promise, and now it's my responsibility to fix everything whether you like it or not."

Barty rolled his eyes, and walked away from Regulus, heading towards a group of older Slytherin students. 

Regulus started heading towards his usual seat. The cabin where he has sat with Ophelia every single train ride since year one. On his way, he bumped into the Trolley Witch and purchased two bags of jelly slugs and a package of Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans. 

Regulus arrived at their usual train cabin and sure enough, there she was. He saw her black hair, her preppy outfit, and her chubby grey cat, and he knew it was her. Ophelia was sitting alone, looking out the window and petting her cat, Dusty. He opened the door, catching Ophelia's attention.

When she saw who it was, she frowned and turned back around to face the window. 

"I don't want to talk to you. Find another seat." She told him. 

"I'm not here to pretend that nothing happened." He held out the jelly slugs and the jellybeans he had just bought. "I'm actually here to apologise."

Ophelia ignored him, and Regulus sat down in the seat across from her. 

"I really am sorry." He told her. 

"Are you sorry for cheating or are you sorry that I caught you?" Ophelia asked. 

"Both." Regulus said. "And I'm sorry that I broke my promise and that I misled you. And I'm also sorry that I didn't apologise sooner. I want to be friends again."

Ophelia continued to ignore him, though she would admit she was tempted to just forgive him and let him into her life again.

"Ophelia, I value you. I value your friendship and you mean a lot to me. I've missed you."

"You broke my trust." She confessed. "And I value our friendship as well, but I don't know how quickly I can just return to how it was."

"I know that. But the least we can do is try, right?"

"So you better try." Ophelia said, taking a bag of jelly slugs from the seat next to Regulus. 

"So you'll take me back as a friend?" 

She picked out one of the pear-flavoured jelly slugs and handed it to him. 

"Yes. For now." She said, cracking a small smile.

𝓟𝓱𝓲𝓵𝓸𝓹𝓱𝓸𝓫𝓲𝓪 || Regulus BlackWhere stories live. Discover now