3.7 - Scrimmage

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As Regulus practiced Quidditch with the rest of the Slytherin team, Ophelia waited on the grass just outside the pitch's boundary line. The team divided itself into two groups, first string and backups, and were playing a short scrimmage round of Quidditch during the lunch break. 

As two chasers flew past her, her gaze ran across the field, following them to the far hoops. Looking away from the middle of the pitch, she noticed a band of students walking onto the pitch as well. 

The Gryffindor Quidditch team, all dressed up in their uniforms, equipment ready, and they were clearly looking to use the pitch for practicing. 

"Ophelia, what are you doing skipping out on lunch?" James asked her when he noticed his sister sitting on the pitch when he expected her to be eating in the Great Hall with everyone else in the school. 

"I'm watching Regulus practice." Ophelia said, pointing to her favourite player, the third year Slytherin Seeker, fly by.

"That's another question." Sirius commented. "Why is Slytherin on the pitch right now?"

"We signed it out." One of the sixth year beaters said, since he was flying by the Gryffindor team and overheard the small conversation. "Check the sheet."

"We did." James said. "When we signed it out yesterday."

Ophelia recognized the conflict starting, and moved closer to the wall and away from the rising tension. 

"You didn't hear?" The Slytherin Beater asked, getting off of her broomstick to talk. "Slughorn said we could overrule that, since we're practicing with the whole team, not just our starting lineup like you guys."

It was clear to everyone around that the Slytherin team was not going to bugde or give up the field. It was also clear that the players of the Gryffindor team had the same school of thought. Neither wanted to leave, but neither wanted to stay if they were only going to argue. 

Several of the Slytherin players, including Regulus, flew down to the ground and hopped off their broomsticks to see what was going on. 

"What if we just played against you?" Sirius suggested. "One match, up to thirty points. Loser has to give up the pitch."  

Sirius looked around at everyone on both teams, and seeing that no one was protesting, declared it a deal. 

"Alright. One fair game with our starters, we'll start when everyone is up in the air." Said the Slytherin team captain. 

Regulus hopped on his broomstick again, preparing for the match, when he heard his brother call out his name. 

"Now that you're playing without cheating, we can finally see if you're as good as you say you are." Sirius said, smirking. 

"I can guarantee I'm better than you." Regulus told him. 

"We'll see about that." Sirius said, flying up into the air. 

The players from both teams flew up into the air, and once everyone was up and in position, the start of the game was announced. 

The players all scattered around the pitch, catching and dodging Bludgers and Quaffles, the seekers looking for where the mischievous little Snitch flew, and both teams playing with the same amount of energy as they would in a normal match. 

Ophelia didn't see it in the moment, but a Slytherin player scored a goal on the Gryffindor nets, causing a brief cheer from their team. 

After a few minutes, the Gryffindor team scored a goal, earning their team ten points, and bringing the score of the match to a tie. 

As the goal was scored, Regulus was reaching for the Golden Snitch, just a few inches from it's capture, when the cheers of the opposing team caught him off guard, and he let it slip away from him.  

The Slytherin team scored their second point, and Ophelia clapped and cheered, even though the game was just a competition for the use of the pitch. 

The Golden Snitch was now out of Regulus' sight, and he was just flying around the pitch looking for it. As he flew by his older brother, he stopped for a quick taunt.

"Our team is one goal away from victory, how do you feel?" Regulus asked. 

"Leave me alone." Sirius said, trying to focus on the game. 

"You really could just give up now and leave before you officially lose." Regulus taunted. 

As he finished speaking, he saw a golden trail pass his eyes. He knew exactly what it was, and started flying in hopes of catching it. 

He was inching closer to it, but was still far away. He picked up speed, racing against the Gryffindor Seeker who had the same objective as he, but the two players each froze once they heard the victorious cheers of the Slytherin team.  

Regulus flew down to the grass to take a break, and sat next to Ophelia, chugging down his water.

"I saw you up there, you were really good." Ophelia told him. 

"I couldn't catch the Snitch." Regulus said. 

"But you were close. You can't expect to catch it every single time."

"Says who?" Regulus asked her. 

"Me. You've got to save some points for the rest of the team."

"I'll try." Regulus said as he mounted his broomstick and flew back to the rest of his team.

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