1.7 - Foul Ball

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"I thought you hated Dolores." Regulus raised his eyebrow.

"I never said that." Ophelia denied. 

"You said she was mean."

"She is, sort of, but that's not going to stop me from being nice to her." Ophelia said. "Plus, she doesn't have many friends she can go with."

"Why doesn't she just go alone?"

"Because she's my roommate. And I don't want her to hate me the way she already does because we have to share a dormitory for the next six and a half years."

Regulus sighed. He didn't like how Ophelia invited a friend to the Quidditch game, especially when it was one that Ophelia didn't even like. 

"Fine." He said. "As long as I don't have to small talk to her during the match."

"Deal." Ophelia smiled. "You don't have to talk to her at all, if you don't want. Just don't be rude, or tell her about anything I've said about her."


Regulus met Ophelia and Dolores outside the Quidditch pitch. Both Regulus and Ophelia have been interested in the game since they arrived at Hogwarts. Even before, in Ophelia's case, as her older brother had found an interest in the sport from a young age. 

There was no snow outside, but the wind felt like needles of ice on the skin. All the students around were wearing warm coats, jumpers, and scarves to stay protected from the temperature. Ophelia and Regulus were wearing their Slytherin winter uniforms, but Dolores was wearing a preppy pink ensemble.

"There you are." Regulus said when the girls came outside. "Shall we get to the stands?"

"You look like you're freezing." Ophelia remarked, slightly concerned for Regulus. "How long have you been out here?" 

"About an hour. I wanted to watch the players warm up."

"Do you two waste all of your time on this game?" Dolores asked in a rude tone. 

"It's a fun game." Regulus said. 

"Yeah." Ophelia agreed. "And I'm sure you'll find some interest in it if you just watch a match or two."

The three of them started to walk around the field, finding the Slytherin stands. They took their seats, Regulus subtly insisting to Ophelia that she should sit in between him and Dolores. 

"So, your first Quidditch game." Ophelia said to Dolores, trying to make small talk and get on the good side of her dorm mate. "How excited are you?"

"I'm not out there riding a broomstick and playing the game, am I?" She responded snarkily. "Why would I be excited?"

"Because it's a constant tradition at Hogwarts. It's the start of what will become years of entertainment."

Not caring, Dolores just brushed off everything Ophelia said. Trying to be nice with someone who only wants to be mean was proving to be harder than Ophelia expected, but Barty is Regulus' best friend, so she had a little bit of practice. 

"Oh, look, they're almost ready to start the game." Ophelia pointed out, trying to find anything that could interest Dolores. 

"But they haven't started yet." Dolores muttered.

Ophelia took a deep, yet quiet breath. She wasn't sure how much longer she could be nice to Dolores. She really was trying her hardest to be kind, but Dolores seemed like she was trying to make it even more difficult for her.

Regulus sensed the stress Ophelia was feeling in that moment, and reached out to hold her hand and shoot her a sympathetic smile.

Ophelia accepted his offer and held his gloved hand in hers, then moved her arm down so that both of them were holding their hands on the bench in the space between the two of them.  

"Welcome, Hogwarts!" A voice boomed. 

Ophelia and Regulus instantly recognized the voice for several reasons.

"That's Remus!" Ophelia pointed out. "He's one of Sirius and James' friends, but he's also the announcer for all the games."

Dolores ignored her, just trying to get through the game that hadn't even started yet.

"He's pretty funny." Regulus added.

"I thought this game was supposed to be serious." Dolores said.

"There's nothing wrong with having a little fun, especially if others enjoy it." Ophelia told her.

Dolores rolled her eyes. "Nonsense. There may be some things you enjoy, but they are not to interfere with the serious things in life. It's not difficult."

Regulus was surprised that he sort of agreed with what Dolores was saying. He usually liked keeping the serious things in life separate from fun. There was just no way he could admit it after meeting her officially. 

"The game is starting now." He changed the subject and pointed down to the two teams walking out onto the pitch.

Ophelia adjusted herself in her seat, getting comfortable on the wooden bench, but continuing to hold Regulus' hand.

"Did you know I heard James and Sirius saying they might try out for the Quidditch team?" Ophelia said quietly to Regulus. "Apparently, they're going to do it next year."

"Are you going to try out?" He asked. 

She let go of Regulus' hand, doing a pass gesture. "Oh, Merlin, no. You've seen me fly in class, I'm horrid." 

"You're not that bad."

"I'm definitely not good enough for the Quidditch team." 

The crowd went wild. Only a few minutes into the game and Slytherin already scored 10 points. Ophelia cheered for the players, and Regulus couldn't help but notice how she looked when she got excited. The ear-to-ear smile on her face, her eyes focused on the game, the way she clapped excitedly. He had never noticed it before, but he thought it was adorable. 

One of the Ravenclaw players tried shooting the Quaffle through the Slytherin hoops, but hadn't aimed properly, sending the ball flying over to the Slytherin stands. 

The ball was heading directly towards Ophelia. She shut her eyes tightly and held her arms crossed in front of her face to protect herself. The ball was coming quickly, and she didn't have any time or space to move away. 

Luckily, Regulus had felt his instincts kick in as well, and he held his hands in front of Ophelia, catching the Quaffle before it could hit her. 

After a second, Ophelia realised the ball hadn't hit her, so she lowered her arms and opened her eyes. She realised what had happened, and gave Regulus a quick hug as thanks. 

A seventh year flew over to the stands, coming to get the Quaffle. It was none other than Steve Laughalot, the captain of the Slytherin Quidditch team. 

"That was quite a catch, boy." He said to Regulus.

"Oh, thank you." Regulus said as he tossed the Quaffle over to him. 

"What's your name?"

"Regulus Black."

"You should try out for the team next year, Regulus. We could use you as a new Seeker."

He flew away, rushing to get back to the game. As soon as he turned away, Ophelia looked at Regulus with an excited look on her face. 

"Did you hear that?" She squealed. "Steve Laughalot wants you on the Slytherin Quidditch team! You have to try out!" 

"I'll think about it." Regulus lied. 

In that moment, he had already done all the thinking he had needed. He was ready for next year's Quidditch tryouts.

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