1.3 - Outside Detention

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"Detention, both of you! And twenty points deducted from Slytherin!" McGonagall shouted. 

Ophelia watched from the other side of the hallway as Regulus and Barty were being punished. 

"This is ridiculous! Hogwarts is no place for childish pranks like this, especially not when they are fueled by hatred." She continued

A young, half-blood boy stood beside her with dung bomb smoke all over his face. 

Ophelia had only briefly met him once, but felt extremely sorry for him. She didn't feel as though anyone should be punished for things they can't control like who their parents are. Sadly, she had trouble convincing Regulus and Barty of her beliefs. 

"And you, Mr. Thomas, should make your way to the hospital wing to make sure you're alright." McGonagall instructed.

The boy nodded his head and slowly started to make his way to the hospital wing. 

"And take someone with you." The professor added, turning to look at Ophelia. "Take Miss Potter."

"Yes, Professor." Ophelia nodded, walking over to the boy.

She walked with him, apologising for the behaviour of her friends almost the entire time. He assured her a few times that it wasn't her fault, and that she had no reason to apologise. It didn't stop her, though. Ophelia didn't know it yet, but she would spend her childhood apologising for everyone else. 

Ophelia waited outside the hospital wing for the boy to come out. 

After about twenty minutes, he walked outside. His face clean, and now displaying a smile, unlike before. 

"How was it?" Ophelia asked. 

"It was alright. Pomfrey gave me a check up and everything was alright. Plus, I got to clean my face." He responded. 

"Good. And again, I am so sorry about what happened. I can't speak for Barty, but I know Regulus is better than that."

"You don't need to apologise for them. You don't need to apologise for anyone, actually." He said.

Ophelia smiled slightly, then said goodbye. 

"Alright, well, as long as you're okay, I'm going to head off. But, I didn't catch your name." She said.

"You can call me Thomas, it's my last name." He smiled. 

"Well, thank you, Thomas. I'll see you around."


Ophelia found herself waiting again, just a few hours later. She sat outside the Detention Chamber with her cat, Dusty. She sat with her back against the wall for over an hour, and some might even think she was punishing herself. 

The door swung open as several exhausted and angry students walked out, so Ophelia kept to the side with Dusty held tightly in her arms. 

Barty walked by, but he seemed angry and Ophelia didn't bother saying anything to him, and she just let him walk back to his dorm. Then, Regulus walked out. He stopped walking and moved over to stand on the side of the hall when he saw her. 

"Did you have a lot of fun in there?" Ophelia asked. 

"So much fun." Regulus said sarcastically. "You should join me next time."

"Maybe you should just stop bullying students for things they can't control, and you won't have to suffer through any more detention."

"Don't be ridiculous, Lia."

As much as Ophelia wanted to be angry with him, she couldn't. And she'll admit that she did like the nickname 'Lia'. 

"Alright, Azkaban, what should we do? Hang out in the common room, maybe?" She asked. 

"I think you should wait here for a bit."

Ophelia shot him a confused look. Why would she ever want to wait, sitting against the wall, for any longer than she already has?

"Your brother is in there." Regulus explained. "Mine is too, but I already saw him, and I don't care."

"Alright." Ophelia said, sitting back down. "And I'll meet you back at the dungeon?"

"Of course." Regulus said as he walked away. "And lucky for you, Barty's not in the mood to hang out or do anything fun, he just wants to go to bed."

Ophelia turned her head and let out a smile and a soft giggle once Regulus was far enough away. As much as she tolerated Barty, she really cherished spending time alone with Regulus.

After a minute or two of waiting by the door, James walked out with three other boys around his age. Ophelia recognized them from the Gryffindor table on her first day. She knew Sirius, but hadn't formally met the other two. 

When James and Ophelia locked eyes, she threw him a small wave and a smile. 

James walked over to her, his hands in his pockets, looking disappointed. 

"Hey." Ophelia said softly. 

"Tell me you're not friends with Regulus." James said. 


"I told you about him before, and now that he's at school with a bunch of bad influences at his side, he's even worse."

"He's not a bad person." Ophelia defended. 

"Him and that lip-licking loser threw a dung bomb at some poor kid in the bathroom!"

"Oh please." Ophelia crossed her arms and rolled her eyes. "Tell me you wouldn't do exactly that to Severus."

"That's different. I'm not bullying him for being a half-blood." James pointed out. "Just trust me, and stay away from him. I just want what's best for my little sister." 

He walked away with his friends, looking like nothing had even happened. Like he hadn't just told his sister to drop one of the first real friends she's ever had. 

James was always protective of his family and his friends. He really did just want the best for everyone. 

Too bad Ophelia was motivated by spite. Whenever someone told her that she couldn't or shouldn't do something, it made her try twice as hard to do the opposite of what she's told. 

'Being nice to everyone you meet isn't practical.' Ophelia made sure to show kindness to everyone. 'Girls shouldn't go to Hogwarts.' She tried to be the best student she could. 'Stay away from Regulus.' Don't be ridiculous.

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