3.2 - Hogsmeade

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Hogsmeade has always been a tradition at Hogwarts. Every few months, the students from years three through seven would take a trip down to Hogsmeade and shop around, taking a break from school over a weekend. As long as the students had permission from parents or guardians, they all went and enjoyed it every time. 

Some students liked the trip for specific reasons, like seeing their favourite shops and meeting new people. For most students, they mainly just liked Butterbeer from the Three Broomsticks Inn and the fact that they could get away from school for a weekend.

"Quiet down, students!" Said Professor McGonagall. "Calm down and make sure everyone's on their best behaviour for this trip."

Most of the students lowered their voices or stopped chatting altogether when McGonagall arrived.

They all knew well enough that misbehaving could cause them to lose their Hogsmeade privileges, and no one wants that.

"Now that everyone is here, we can start to head down." McGonagall declared.

The children of Hogwarts started to walk, commencing the first Hogsmeade visit of the year. And for the third years like Ophelia, Regulus, Pandora, and Barty, the walk commenced their first school Hogsmeade trip ever.


"Honeydukes first!" Ophelia suggested once they arrived at Hogsmeade.

It was more of a cheerful order than a suggestion, though.

"Alright, Honeydukes, and then Sprintwitches." Regulus said. "I need some new equipment. Where else?"

"Ceridwen's. Or Potage's." Pandora spoke up. "Either one of the cauldron shops. I hear they can help with brewing potions as well there"

"Pandora, no one wants to watch you look at cauldrons and brew potions and waste all of our trip." Barty said rudely. 

"I do." Ophelia stood up for her friend. "I'll go with you." 

"Thank you, darling." Pandora said politely.

"Alright, fine." Barty said. "You girls can go do that boring stuff, and Regulus and I will go to the cool stores where we can actually have some fun."

The three others agreed, and started to walk away from each other in their pairs.

"We can meet at Honeydukes in an hour!" Ophelia proposed before they walked too far away from Barty and Regulus. 

"Sounds like a plan!" Regulus shouted back.

Ophelia turned around, walking with Pandora towards the cauldron shop, hiding a smile from shining through.

Pandora stared at Ophelia, looking at the goofy grin curling up the sides of her lips. 

"What?" Ophelia asked when she noticed Pandora looking at her. 

"I didn't say a single word." Pandora defended. 

The two of them laughed, and continued their walk down Hogsmeade. 


"What do you think? Which one should I get?" Pandora asked, holding up two cauldrons, each the size of her head. 

"I like them both." Ophelia responded. "How much are they?"

"That's a good question." Pandora said with a questioning head tilt. She turned around and looked at the shop attendant who was helping her earlier. "Excuse me, miss, how much are these?"

"The grey one is eleven galleons, and the black one is twelve." The attendant answered.

Pandora dropped her chin and looked down at the ground. 

"Oh." She said softly. "Maybe I'll just get one of the really small ones."

"What? No." Ophelia said. "No, I'll buy it for you."

"I can't ask you to do that for me." Pandora said. 

One of the many things these girls had in common was that they always felt guilty receiving gifts, especially when they know said gifts are expensive.

"You don't have to ask me." Ophelia said. "I'm already buying it. Which one do you want?"

"The grey one." Pandora asked. 

"Perfect. We'll get the grey one then." Ophelia said, handing the shop employee eleven galleons out of her bag. 

Pandora hugged Ophelia tightly as soon as she finished paying, and the two went to go meet up with Barty and Regulus at Honeydukes.

"Thank you!" The two girls said in unison as they walked out of the store. 

"You really didn't have to buy this for me, you know." Pandora said when Ophelia handed her the new cauldron.

"Of course I did." Ophelia smiled. "Just promise me you'll get my money's worth out of it. Practice potions, experiment with new ones, everything."

"I promise." Pandora beamed. 

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