2.6 - Homecoming

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"Are you ready for your first real Quidditch game?" Ophelia asked Regulus. 

"Of course." Regulus said. 

He never let anything or anyone get in his head when it came to Quidditch. The only people he spoke to before games were Ophelia and the members of the Slytherin Quidditch team.

"I'll be cheering you on." Ophelia told him. 

"As usual."

"Yes, as usual."

"Well, thank you. I do think it is helping the way I play." Regulus said as he secured all of his Quidditch protective equipment.

"Good luck." Ophelia told Regulus as he walked towards the pitch.

"I don't need luck."


"Welcome to the first game of the season!" Remus Lupin's voice was blasted from the announcer stand.

The crowd cheered, ready and excited for a new season of Quidditch at Hogwarts.

"Who is ready to play some Quidditch!?" He asked, to which the crowd responded with another booming cheer. 

"Well then, it sounds like we're ready for a game! Bring out the players!"

The Quidditch players from both teams, Slytherin and Gryffindor, walked out onto the pitch in single-file lines. Though there were over a dozen players on the pitch, including James Potter, Ophelia was only watching her best friend, Regulus Black as he walked out to the game with an immense amount of confidence. 

As Regulus passed his brother on the pitch, he shot Sirius a sly smirk and wished him good luck. Though, Sirius doubted the good wishes were all based on good sportsmanship. 

The players mounted their broomsticks and flew up in the air, getting into their assigned positions. 

Once all the players were set, the referee released all four of the balls into the air. Immediately, all the players started flying around in a frenzy which, though it was carefully strategised and organised on both teams, looked nothing but chaotic.

Regulus and the Gryffindor Seeker both flew around, looking for the Golden Snitch. Their game was always so different than what it was for the other players. Everyone else flying around, dodging Quaffles and Bludgers, helping their team and sabotaging the other. The Seekers only had one goal, that's why it was so important to be focused. 

Most students of the school had no clue where to look, their eyes darting around the field changing players of focus every two seconds. But for Ophelia, she knew exactly where to look, her eyes were fixed on Slytherin's Seeker, Regulus Black. 

Unfortunately, with her gaze locked on Regulus, she missed what was happening on the other side of the pitch. As the Seekers were chasing after the Golden Snitch on Slytherin's side of the pitch, a Quaffle was whipped across the pitch straight towards the Gryffindor nets. 

It was a shot moving too quickly to catch, until an unknowing James Potter flew in the way of the Quaffle, recieving what was essentially a magic cannonball to the stomach.

The crowd fell silent as James fell from his broomstick sixty feet in the air. Ophelia noticed after everyone around her started to gasp and stare at the ground. She ran down from the top of the stands to see her brother. A time out was called to ask for a break, but everyone knew the game was over at that point.  

𝓟𝓱𝓲𝓵𝓸𝓹𝓱𝓸𝓫𝓲𝓪 || Regulus BlackWhere stories live. Discover now