
"I'm so glad......Yunlan! that you found 1st artifacts.....If dad was alive today, he would be happy with your success" Chu said to Yunlan and other smile after listening his brother "thanks Ge! but the road is still so far......but I'm happy to fulfill our father's dreams! and after getting the good news from Hong.....it's feels like soon I'm going to compl......" Yunlan talking but he interrupt by Chu "what good news....??"

"I'm going to be father soon

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"I'm going to be father soon......Ge!" Yunlan smile widely and Chu shocked after listening "WHAT!!! but how? and when it's.....aaarrrrrrhhhh......where is Hong??" Chu asked in frustration and Yunlan feels weird "what happened Ge! why you talk like that....." Yunlan feel suspicious "uh! nothing.....I'm coming to you!"

Chu cut the call and grit his teeth "you bitch! trying to play smart game with me.....okay! let's see who going to win this....." Chu said and call someone else.


Shenwei open his eyes and found Yezun sitting beside him, and the room looks so gloomy "didi I...." Wei stop when Yezun place his finger on other's soft lips "when both of us were little, we used to do so much mischief, Mama Papa also used to get upset with our mischievousness.........!!

I always used to help you whenever you had to meet Zhao Yunlan, I always listened to you but you never listened to me.....did you remember that day GEGE!?" Yezun said and Shenwei looked at him with sad eyes.......!!!



Yezun come inside his palace and someone pull him in the dark corner......then start kissing him passionately "umm...mm...uuhh....mmm" Yezun try to speak but other not in the mood to leave him......after a long and stremy kiss, that person break the kiss and let Yezun breath.

"y.....you stupid....what if someone see us? have you gonna mad!" Yezun said in his heavily breathing and other only smirk "I didn't see you since the morning....." that person pinned Yezun against the wall "so what...!!" Yezun whispered.

"so.......it's your punishment"

"what punishment?" Yezun frown and that person again touch Yezun soft lips, with his own lips and kisses him......Yezun smile in their kiss and reply him very well......but Yezun suddenly feels his body becoming hot......he widen his eyes and moan "ahh...uhh!" that person smile and keep kissing him.

Yezun pushed him gently after breaking the kiss "what happened...?" that person asked "my body! my body feels so hot like.......Oh! Shit!! GEGE...." Yezun said in his heavy breathing "what are you talking about......I didn't understand it?" that person is so confused "d-don't take....too m-much.....load on y-your t-tttiny braaaaaa......aaahhhh!"

Yezun groan louder and cover his mouth to control his voice......because it's middle of the night, and he don't want to wake his parents.

"hu! hu!......why? hu! come on.....hu! hu! don't do this......aah....gege!!!!!!!" Yezun still heavy breathing and mumbling.

"you scaring me.....Ye!"

"Oh! just shut up.....Da! didn't you see, I'm suffering with pain here..."

Yezun scold his lover Da Qing

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Yezun scold his lover Da Qing.....who only want to know that his beloved is alright or not. Because Yezun condition not looking so good.....and sometime he groan in pain too.

On the other side......

"trust me.... babe!!.... It's last....I promise"

"I'll give.... Myself to you..... Yunlan! don't betray me.... Promise me!! Ah lan....."

"I PROMISE......Xiao Wei!!!"

After their love making, they both keep laying on the grass in each other embrace.....Shenwei is so happy and satisfied after giving himself to Zhao Yunlan. He always had a dream of an extremely handsome man, who come one day and took him far-far away(just like Cinderella.....hehe!😅)

And today it's happens just because of his dearest brother Yezun

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And today it's happens just because of his dearest brother Yezun......wait! Yezun...Oh no! I just forget it.....Aiyoo! what have you done WeiWei, didi definatly going to scold you. Shenwei sits up abruptly "ahh!" and hiss because his private part is swollen......and then he start biting his nails "what happened xiao wei.....why you looks nervous?" Yunlan asked worriedly.

"Yunlan! my didi......"


"actually....I forget to tell you one thing about me and my twin.....Yezun!" Shenwei hesitatingly said and Yunlan confusedly looking at him then asked again.....what the matter is?

"Ah lan! me and my didi.......I mean we both share same......SOUL!!!" Shenwei said and Yunlan widen his eyes in shocked......!!


Hello everyone!

Please enjoy while reading.... have any questions, feel free to ask...🤗☺️

I'm sorry for my mistake...🙏

Thank you ❤️

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