Start from the beginning

She felt something shattered and broke inside of her. It was her heart. She felt like burning the letter and putting away the ashes but her curiousity got the best of her.

She ignored the pain she is feeling inside of her and without further ado she continued reading the letter.

I've found someone better than you and I'm moving on in life. I know you must be wondering why I'm saying this after all the love and affection I've faked towards you right ? Well,to answer your questions,I did love you but you know how people get tired and bored of having and seeing the same thing every single day. That's how I got tired and bored of you. I tried to look deep into myself to find the love I've for you but I saw none.

I've been wanting to tell you this for the last three years but I couldn't because of Maryam. And now I don't see the reason why I should delay telling you this.

I wasn't happy a single bit when you gave birth to a baby girl. I was expecting you to give birth to a baby boy,whom I can call my heir. All this while I was only pretending to like her but deep down I hate her with every breath I take in this world.

Maryam is now a grown up,she can handle everything and I know that you'll be right beside her,now and always.

I'm already married to beautiful and wonderful woman and I'm also expecting a child from her. Don't ever call me up,text me or even send me a message because you will never get a reply from me. I don't want my darling wife to start suspecting me.

Be expecting your divorce from me.


E n d o f f l a s h b a c k

She remembers everything like a well edited video. At that time she was only six she had no idea what was written in that paper,but the reaction she got from her mother notified her that it was not a happy thing.

She had asked her mother several times,what's written in the paper and why she was crying and she told her "her dada is dead".

"Maryam,open the door"her mother called,knocking softly on her door and she found herself walking to the and opening the door for her mother.

She sat herself down on her bed without a single word,she was waiting for her mother to explain what was the reason behind the lie.

"I know what you must be thinking right now. You must be thinking that I'm a bad mother and I hid the truth about your father from you,if I were you I would've acted the same maybe even worse but I think is high time you know the truth about why I lied to you. Here"she handed her a paper. Maryam looked perplexed,she took the paper from her mother and read it.

Maryam felt the whole room,spinning in her head. She read the letter that her father had sent to her mother 18 years ago,still in daze. Her eyes stared at the paper but everything appeared blurred.

She felt different kind of emotions inside of her,pain,sorrow and anger. She looked up at her mother and smiled weakly at her.

She felt the pain her mother had been through all these years. She couldn't assume being in her shoes. She wouldn't have been alive by now, because she can't live the pain.

She threw the paper and wrapped her arms around her mother and sobbed.

They broke out of the hug.

"I'm sorry Maa,I had no idea"she apologized,tears shimmering in her eyes.

"Shush,it's not your fault but mine. I should've told you the truth in the beginning"

"Actually Maa,you did the right thing because I wouldn't be able to take in everything. Thank you so much Maa,I love you"she stated and hugged her mother again.

"Maa,how did you cope?"she questioned out of the blue,resting her head on her mother's shoulders.

"In life,there are many struggles coming our way,we just have to do the best thing in overcoming them. I was depressed for a year, because I felt abandoned. There was nothing in the house to eat and you were crying that you were hungry. I picked up my ATM card to withdraw some money but then I've found out that your father had withdrawn everything in the account. Nanna was the one who got food for us,at last she quit because I couldn't pay her salary. I managed to find a job and that was how we managed. At some point,I wanted to strangle myself to death but then I remembered I have you in my life and I couldn't do it. You kept me going all this while. The smile I see on your face keeps me alive and moving"she ended and Maryam was already in another set of tears.

Double update !!!!

Yipppeee 💃 who else is excited,you might get anoza update tonight but only if you guys comment....

Biko please and please you guys should try and be commenting please 🤧 your comments always gives me the zeal to write more update for you guys !!!!

So please comment.

And ghost readers,tapping the little star below the chapter won't hurt right ?



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