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a/n - you guys are so lucky, look at me on a writing streak 💅

and so the day officially begins.

the groups we split off into,

suna, kosaku, omimi, aran, gin and heisuke

atsumu, osamu, akagi, kiyoomi and komori.

the last group was the rest of the itachiyama team.

so far the park wasn't too busy, maybe because of how early it is. it could get busier later because of the firework show.

"wait a minute... its a weekday!" atsumu cheered.

"everyday is technically a weekday." osamu teased.

"yeah, everyday is a day within a week." komori added.

i sighed. "i get what he means."

"at least y/n's on my team!" atsumu pouted and grabbed onto my arm.

"you're right though, most people will be at school or work so technically it shouldn't get too busy." i smiled.

once i said that, i paid attention to kiyoomi, noting that he had relaxed ever so slightly at that news, but he was still on edge.

maybe i should have made some excuse for him and i not to come?

"CAN WE GO ON THOSE!!" atsumu, komori and akagi cheered.

i followed their pointed fingers to one of those swing rides that spin you around too.

"sure." i chuckled, following them to the queue.

"i say we'll get on in 2 more turns." osamu claimed.

"seems about right." akagi agreed.

"kiyoomi." i decided to talk to him about this whilst the rest got excited.

he didn't say anything, his eyes were fixated on the ride, hands in his pockets but i could tell he was gripping them.

"give me the bag." i said, making him look at me.

"i said i'd carry it." he shook his head.

"well, you did say that, but i'll be the one to disinfect the rides. if you do it you'll just feel germier." i tried to persuade him, holding my hand out slightly as we moved closer to the ride.

"you already have a bag though, it's not fair."

"i just need the mini bag inside of yours that i prepared then." i tried to come to a conclusion.

he thought about it and soon handed me the mini bag, keeping his distance as it fell into my hands. i thanked him and got out what i was going to need.

he was already wearing a mask but i noticed how he wasn't wearing any gloves. maybe it'd make him feel better considering he'll have to hold onto a lot of bars and such...

we were stood by the gate as the group in front of us began their turn on the ride.

"here," i said, holding a box of black latex gloves out to kiyoomi.

"wh-..." he eyed them up, not saying anything.

he took his hands out of his pockets and took a pair, carefully putting them on and seemed to calm down a little more.

"you don't have to force yourself to come on the rides." i told him.

"i don't want to be the one that ruins everyone's fun." he said quickly, making it clear that this was a big point in his mind right now.

"3 rides." i said.

"what?" he lowered a brow.

"you only have to go on a minimum of three rides today." i held up three fingers. "i'm sure no one will get mad at you for missing a few rides if you're uncomfortable, so you only have to go in three rides."


"no buts. i'm the group leader now." i raised my eyebrows. "unless you end up feeling comfortable enough to do more rides, you don't have to force yourself to go on anymore than three."

"i don't want to ruin the day." he didn't look at me as he said it.

"if anyone has anything to say about it, they'll answer to moi." i grinned before the gate opened for us to take our turn. "and that's final."

".. okay." he nodded.

i smiled again and we followed the rest of the group onto the ride.

kiyoomi's pov

... i don't think i'll ever understand this girl. she cares more than anyone i've known. i mean, my family try to care but they're all so busy it's not really easy... i'm used to vouching for myself but, this is, nice.

but i'm worried at the same time. we've only ever met on this training camp and she's already done so much for me. i wouldn't even know how to repay her.

we now stood by the swings and y/n was using disinfectant spray and wipes to clean where i'd sit. she was getting some weird looks from others around but she seemed to glare them all off.

then she did something i didn't expect. she layed a small... blanket almost, onto the seat part. it wasn't big enough to be a blanket, just enough to cover the seat. it was double sided, the black colour side was face down on the seat and the pink side faced up.

"this is another layer of safety" she smiled as she began getting in the swing beside that one. "today the black side will face the seat and you'll only sit on the pink side."

my eyes slightly widened at her. "you're really odd." i scoffed... but it came out more of a chuckle.

people were still getting on the ride, but i was hesitant about getting into the seat. but for once, i wasn't fully worried about the germs. it was as though she had done enough to get it to a level i felt comfortable with. i was hesitant because of how long it's been.

i haven't been able to come and enjoy a theme park since i was 6. 10 years ago.

"you got this." y/n smiled at me. "let's have fun."

and so it began. i felt comfortable enough to get into the seat and soon the ride began.


it's now 1:30pm, and i can say today's been a success. kiyoomi seems so calm, he's even succeeded the 3 ride limit, but it doesn't seem to be because he's worried about disappointing the others.


i checked my phone.

[message from kiyoomi]

i'm actually enjoying today

thank you.

my heart raced at the messages, a smile jumped to my face and i looked up to find kiyoomi looking at me, his eyes soft and brows raised.

i mouthed the words:

'i'm glad'

"hey guys!" kita yelled as his group walked over, soon followed by the rest of itachiyama.

"wanna stop for some food?" i asked.

of course there was a chorus of agreement.

luckily, i could order from my phone and then go and pick it up from a place in the park. i began handing my phone around and everyone placed their orders. i finally placed mine and sent it through.

[message to kiyoomi]

i didn't know how you'd feel about food from here, there's plenty extra if you feel like it, but i made some sushi and onigiri incase you didn't.

i really appreciate it.

i think i'll take what you made, thank you

reader X k.sakusa Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon