704 22 17

Saturday 23rd July



"I'm so sorry about crashing into you earlier." I apologised to kiyoomi as we walked side by side to the store.

"...you don't have to apologise." he said. "better than you crashing into the ground."

"true... so how have you been recently?" I asked, "made any progress?"

"... nothing yet." he admitted a bit sorrowfully.

"and that's completely fine." I skipped ahead, walking backwards to face him. "these things take time. it's not always easy."

"please don't fall again." he cringed, "but you're right."

"actually, I suppose you asking to come shopping with me is progress." I took my space beside him again. "and either way I'm happy to hangout with you again."


we soon arrived at the shopping centre and I could tell kiyoomi was getting nervous.

"when was the last time you managed to go shopping like this?" I asked as I grabbed a trolly.

"it's definitely been a while. I tend to stick to smaller shops." he pulled up his mask, which reminded me to get mine out of my bag.

"if it gets too much just let me know." I assured him. "think you could push this?" I asked.

he stared at it for a moment before nodding.

"one second." I stood to the side, pulling out an anti-bac wipe and cleaning the handle. I didn't say anything again as I pushed the trolly in front of him and he took it.


"just stick with me and I'll be in charge of grabbing what we need." I grinned.

we entered the shop and began going up and down a few isles without any issues, these ones were pretty empty so we got through with ease.

it was when we got about a 1/4 of the way around I stuck closer to kiyoomi. the isles got progressively busier and it didn't look like it was getting any clearer. I had to move away a few times to get things from shelves but I tried to be as quick as I could each time.

"how you doing?" I asked him as calm as possible.

"... I forget that people have no sense of personal space."

his response was better than I anticipated and made me giggle a little. I decided that keeping conversation going would help, so I bought up the topic of volleyball. it was nice to watch him talk about his interests. it seemed to take his mind off things.

"I forget how hot it gets in these shops in summer." I huffed. I had a small summer dress on, it hugged the top of my body but flowed out to halfway down my thigh. it's a new dress but I'm not really expecting anyone here to notice it. it only had thin straps at the top and

as for kiyoomi, I'm not used to seeing him in summer clothes. it was still quite cold during our train camp so seeing him in a sleeveless shirt exposing his arms is truly a... decent sight if I'm honest.

I had to quickly snap my head away once I realised I was staring.

"I don't mind summer weather." he tells me. "but it does get a bit too stuffy sometimes."

"agreed. I really do like summer fashion though." I smiled, "and summer nights. I love being able to sit outside on summer evenings. the skys and stars are so pretty."

reader X k.sakusa Where stories live. Discover now