747 31 8

saturday 23rd july

"we're here now guys!" louis called out, turning to lean on the headrest of his seat.

with that, everyone that was asleep began slowly groaning and waking up, stretching out their arms. I stood up and made my way to the front of the coach, "Thanks for doing this." I gave Louis a smile and whacked his head lightly.

"You always have to end your kindness with a whack." he sighs, "does it run in the family cause your dad did the exact same thing to me-"

"we're just not the best at being randomly serious, we like to lighten the mood."

"wow-" he rolled his eyes before noticing something outside, "HEY- IS THAT THE KIYOOMI KID?"

his words caught my attention and I whipped my head around to see kiyoomi staring towards the bus, komori struggling with the key lock before noticing us.

I take that back, kiyoomi wasn't staring at the bus... he was staring at me, I don't know how long we held eye contact for before I zoned back into the bus. I gave him a big smile and a wave.

"that kid scares me, I mean I'm glad you have someone else looking outdoor you y/n but god-"

"HEY WE LOOK OUT FOR HER TOO YOU--" astsumu began yelling before he was cut off.

"I'm sensing some.. tension~" suna smirked, turning the last word into a song.

"suna- of all people-" I rolled my eyes at him. 

"right I'm going to say hi, I'll intimidate some sense into him,-"

"Louis wait!" I grabbed onto the collar of his shirt as he was trying to leave the bus. of course I didn't think this through as I tried dragging him back onto the bus, ignoring that he was definitely stronger than me. "come on-" I huffed, "play- niCE--"

"Y/n-" Louis gasped as I lost my grip and slipped out of the bus in front of him, he tried to reach out and grab me.

'this is gonna hurt like a bitch' was my only thought as I imagined myself falling straight onto my ass, or worse, my beautiful face.

I tried to reach my arms out as a reflex but instead of hitting the  rough gravel, I was holding onto someones shirt, their arms holding onto mine and steadying me up. Their grip on my arms was tight so I assume they were trying to catch me and I didn't just fall into some poor passerby. 

"Hah.." I chuckled, "thank you." I gave an awkward smile as I looked up, making eye contact with my saviour.


I'm so close to him... he's still holding onto me tightly and all I can do is stare into his eyes. 

... he is really attractive.

"oh my god..." a few gasps sounded behind me, though they were quiet. that's what suddenly made me realise the situation. 

"shit- I'm so sorry!" I held my hands back in defence. It took a second before he slowly let go of my arms and his own eyes widened a little, like he just snapped back to reality. 

"it's okay." he shook his head. "are you alright?"

"yeah yeah- I'm perfectly fine." I cleared my throat and took a few steps back, close enough to Louis to hit him in the chest. 

reader X k.sakusa Where stories live. Discover now