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[what in the frickity frack]

come on guys!!

we just got great seats for the fireworks

pretty much front row!

on way now!


y/n's pov

it's gotten pretty busy for the fireworks, i knew it would though. luckily we're closer to the front so it's not like we're being suffocated in a crowd of people right in the middle.

but still, kiyoomi came to mind. we'd pretty much stuck close by all day, the others were all in their own little worlds so they didn't notice to make fun of it or anything. but it's been fun.

it's pretty cold now though too. we still have 20 minutes until the fireworks are supposed to start.

today's been fun. and i'm even more happy because kiyoomi actually seemed to be having fun today. i was worried he'd get too overwhelmed by the environment, but there were actually a few points he was asking to go on certain rides. we definitely made the most of the day.

we all began talking as group as the night got darker, but soon we were all broken off into our own little conversations in pairs or such.

"y/n?" kiyoomi said in a questioning tone.

"what's up?"

"i want to try doing things that make me more... normal." he said.

"more normal?" i asked.

"you know." he paused. "so i feel more comfortable doing things people do usually. i don't want to have to constantly worry about germs and crowds as highly as i do."

we were looking at each other as we spoke.

"i like the sounds of that." i smiled. "i'm glad you feel you want to do that."

"can i ask for your help?" he said a bit quieter. "i know you're not my therapist or anything like that, but you've been the most considerate person i've met yet. i think i can get better if i have someone like you... not someone like you, i feel like i need you to help me get through this."

i was rendered speechless. that almost felt like some sort of confession.

"you don't hav-"

"i'd love to be by your side to help." i smiled, tilting my head a little.

his features softened.

"i think you've made pretty great progress today. considering this isn't really your environment, i'm glad you enjoyed the day."

"... do you mind if i try something during the fireworks?"

my heart raced a little as he asked this question. i still can't tell why though.

"if that made you uncomfortable i'm sorry, you can say n-"

"of course, i trust you." i nodded, "if it's a step to making you feel more comfortable, go for it."

and as if on queue, the fireworks began. they scared me out of my mini trance towards kiyoomi and we both spun to watch the show.

or so i thought.

kiyoomis pov

the fireworks began, and i tried to build up the courage to do what i planned to.

this whole day it's been y/n by my side, and i haven't felt uncomfortable as i would have if she weren't here. i suppose i admire her for all her help. but most of all, i'm coming to realise i haven't actually feared y/n for being 'germy'.

reader X k.sakusa Where stories live. Discover now