975 35 18

monday 25th july
6:21 am

last night finished with us all lazing around the living room again. turns out they have some pretty huge comfy beanbags here too. i can confidently say i made the most of that before atsumu, komori and suna tried to steal mine, instead we all ended up cocooned in the beanbag after kita threw a thin blanket over us.

unfortunately last night ended up being one of my no sleep nights, and it got a bit hot laying in bed awake so long so i decided to come and sit in the kitchen.

i assumed no one else was up yet, i'd be more surprised if they were. saying that, that's why i was so surprised when i heard someone trudging down the stairs.

"k-komori?" my eyes widened.

now that, that is surprising.

"morning." he yawned, scratching his head before coming to take a seat at the counter with me.

"want a drink?" i offered in an attempt to wake him up, all i received was a half alert nod so i hopped up to get him one.

after a few minutes he seemed more with it and started chatting.

"hey y/n."


"do you consider kiyoomi someone you're close to?"

it took me a while to respond, not because I had to think about it, but because I couldnt work out why.

"actually, I do." I nodded. I was still stood up, so I leant on the counter opposite so I was facing him. he had his chin in his hands and a little bit of a dazed look. at first I assumed it was sleepiness but now I feel like it's something else. "is everything okay?"

"it seems you both consider each other close, that's good to hear." he gave a smile.

"komori. what's bothering you?"

"..." he pouted a little, "I just worry about him. aside from this whole germ thing, he's always been so closed off from people. the only reason we became close was because his mum made him hang out with me."

I decided not to say anything, but I gave a nod so he knew I was paying attention.

"the main reason I added him to the group was to get him talking to more people. obviously he's family, so I'll always look out for him and try my best to be there, but at the same time I wish he'd realise how good meeting other people could be for him. does that sound bad of me?"

I shook my head. "not at all. like you said you're family and you want to look out for him, you just want what's best for him."

"honestly, that's why I'm so grateful to you." he said, shocking me a bit and if I'm honest I think it brought a bit of a blush to my face.


"well since you've joined us, even just on the chat, he slowly started being more active there. its just nice to know he has you as well now." he smiled, brightening up. "plus, I've noticed he's been a tinyyy bit more relaxed around the others here, especially yesterday."

"well I'm glad you think so, I guess me coming into your lives has all sorts of perks." I joked to lighten the mood.

"alright no need to get big headed now." he rolled his eyes teasingly.

"wanna go get some ice cream?" I asked on a whim.

"are you allowing us to have ice cream for breakfast?" he gasped.

"maybe. the others won't be up for a while, they'll never have to find out." I stuck my tongue out.

"I like your thinking."

reader X k.sakusa Where stories live. Discover now