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Sorry for the long wait guys!! Life's been a bit hectic~








why the fuck can't i sleep?


great, guess i'm going to be a sleepy mess when i'm at the theme park tomorrow.

nah that's a lie, i'm used to lack of sleep.

what's bothering me more is that i don't know what's keeping me up. yeah going to a theme park is cool but i'm not excited enough to loose sleep over it.


theme park...

theme park-


Fuck; isnt that like the germiest place? so many people on so many different rides and huge crowds...


no wonder he was so hesitant when everyone voted for the theme park.


i quickly leapt off of the floor and grabbed my phone to put on the flash light. i threw on a large black jacket to cover my self some more. all i had on was a vest and some short shorts but no one else will be up now.

i quietly opened my door and shut it before peeking around and tip toeing off to the bottom floor.

I ran to the storage cupboards i had seen previously when messing about with the boys and rummaged through it whilst awkwardly balancing my phone between my chest and chin to light it up.

"... augh it's too dark." i huffed. i went to grab something that looked like sanitiser.  i soon learnt to regret that as there were a few crashes. my phone fell down and then there were more rumbles before an avalanche occurred. it felt like everything in the cupboard fell on top of me as i hit the ground.

"ow. ow ow ow. shit-"

i don't know how to get out of this situation. i've got way too much on me and i can definitely feel a few cuts, and i know i'll have bruises.

i was about to try and move something off my legs but i was distracted by the massive light that flashed on. i squinted my eyes to try and adjust to the light. 

kiyoomi's PoV

everyone's fast asleep. everyone in my room and everyone in the inirazaki room too. i don't even know why i bothered checking anyway, even if they were awake i doubt they'd care. how the hell am i supposed to get around the theme park tomorrow? going to the mall would have been bad enough, but this?

maybe there is one person that'll listen? plus they're always awake at ungodly hours.

i pulled out my phone and checked to see. bingo, they're currently active.

reader X k.sakusa Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora