The Meeting

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Ever since Dean and I spoke yesterday I couldn't stop smiling. It's my fault for falling for him. Today, I have a meeting at his corporation to finalize the investment. I got off the elevator and walked up to the guy at the counter.

"Hello, I'm Elizabeth Taylor, The fit4you owner."

He looked up at me and smiles.
"Your the woman from the posters"

I laughed."Yep that's me"

"Oh, the meeting is right this way." he got up from his seat and ushered for me to follow him, which I did.

"It didn't start yet so please take a seat." he opened the door and I went in.
"Thank you..."

"Dave" he said

"Thank you Dave"

"Anytime" he walked away

When I turned around I saw a group of about five men sitting at the table. They were extremely quiet as I sat down. One of them stood up and made his way over to me. He leaned against the corner of the table and smiled.

"You must be Elizabeth" he said sticking his hand out

"The one and only" I shook his hand but after he wouldn't let go

"May I say you are much more stunning in person" he complimented

"Thank you..."

"Mason Hughes"

Before I could reply, the door opened and I saw Dean walk in.

"Everyone take your seats and that includes you Mason" he said glaring at him

"Sure thing sir" Mason sat down next to me

Dean walked up to me.
"It's nice to see you again Elizabeth."

"The same, Mr. Warren." I said

He seemed shocked but sat down.
"Ms. Taylor, You may start" he said

"Thank you" I got up and walked to the front of the room

Everyone's eyes were on me but I didn't care. I got these looks every day.

"As an average, My gym fit4you makes 200,000 dollars every month. It is very extensive and our marketing goes far. I walk around town and I am recognized from my billboards, posters, magazine ads, and everything else. We get many visitors because of that."

"I have a question" Mason rose his hand


"You are the face of the company. Am I correct?"


"So how many people actually come there to spend money instead of coming to looking at you? You are a very beautiful woman and men would do anything to be near you." he said

I looked our at Dean to see him throwing daggers at Mason.

"Well we have a policy. You can not come and workout if you do not have a membership. Prime example, Kyle Jameson."

"Wasn't he your ex boyfriend?" Another guy asked

"Yes he was, but it wasn't until 2.5 years until we started dating. He told me the truth. He said he saw me on the billboard and he wanted to get to know me. I was used to this behavior from men so I gave him a hard time. In total of he spent 3,200 dollars at my gym. And even after the breakup he continues to go there."

"Are you dating anyone now?" Some guy asked

"No I am not." I said

"Thank you, Ms. Taylor. I have finalized the decision. We will chose to invest. Meeting over. Everyone leave." Dean said

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