The In-Laws PT. 1

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"Welcome to my home, Elizabeth. Its nice to see you on happier terms" Deans mother said

"Now now mother that's all in the past" Dean said

"Come in son and bring it in here too" she said glaring at me

I looked at Dean and he kissed my forehead.

"Ignore her"he whispered in my ear

We walked inside and everyone was here.

"Dean" a younger looking Dean came up to him

"Dominic" he man hugged his brother

"Who is this fine thing?" Dominic said putting his hand out to me

"She's mine so back off Dom. This is Elizabeth"

"Can I call you Beth sweetheart?" Dom said


"No you can't, now go find Drew and Delilah" he said said

"By Baby" Dominic winked at me

I laughed and looked at Dean to see his jaw clenched.

"Hey it's fine. How old is he anyway?" I asked touching his arm

He pulled me into him and crashed his lips on mine. I pulled away very turned on. This was his possessive side.

"You are mine, okay" he said looking into my eyes

He grabbed my arm and we walked into the living room and they were there. All of them.

"Dean, Delilahs outside. She needs your help with the baby." Dominic said

"Ok" He said " I'll be right back" he looked at me

I stood there and looked at Dominic who was staring at my chest.

"Dominic your old enough to get beat up ,right?"

He laughed "Who's going to beat me up?"

"I will if you keep staring at me like that"

"It's not my fault that you have a beautiful body. Your on billboards and there are posters of you everywhere." he said

"Where's the bathroom?" I asked

"Upstairs to the right" he said

I rolled my eyes. My ankle hurts too much to go up the steps.

"Thank you" I said slightly limping to the steps

I sighed and tried to make my way up the steps but it hurt too much.

"Need Help?" I looked up and it was a guy with black hair and brown eyes.

"Oh no I'm fine thanks" I went up another step

"Doesn't look like it" he said reaching his hand out

I laughed "Thank you so much" I grabbed it as he helped me up the stairs

"What's your name?"

"I'm Elizabeth. I came here with Dean"

Instantly a look of pity showed in his eyes and I didn't like that at all.

"I'm Drew his brother. I'm 2 years older than him" he said trying to clear it up

"Why did you look at me like that?"

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have" he said walking away

I grabbed his arm and he stopped.

"You seem like an amazing girl but Dean doesn't do relationships. And I know as his brother I shouldn't say things like this but it's always been this way. Each of these dinners he brings different girls to show us that he's alright but we all know he isn't. Just don't fall in love with him because as soon as love comes into play he'll be gone. I'm sorry Elizabeth" Drew said

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