When the truth comes out

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I sat at the dinner table picking my food. I sat alone with Deans parents and mine but no Dean.

"So do you know where Dean is?" My so called mom asked

"No" I said monotonously

"Lizzie I understand this isn't what you want. But-"

"No buts mom. This isn't what I want. I want to marry a man that I love, a man that I would die for, a man that I know I could not live without. But you don't give a fuck right?"

"Watch your language young lady." My father said

"Oh and you. I know that you can careless about me. You never paid me attention until now because I was apart of some stupid business deal." I said to my father "Well congrats, the award goes to the worst parents in the fucking universe by succeeding in ruining their only child's life alongside with getting a great amount of money right. That's all this was. All my life I've dreamed of one day walking down an aisle ,in my beautiful white dress ,feeling like Cinderella for one day and you destroyed it. I'll marry him but I hope for the rest of your pathetic lives you think about what hell you've brought to me......And you dare to call yourself my parents." I said

My mom was crying and my father just stared at me guilty. I looked at Deans parents and stood up.

"I'll see you at the wedding." I walked out with tears blurring my vision . When I looked at the doorway of the dining room, Dean stood there watching. He heard everything and I knew it. His hair messed up and I saw lipstick marks on his neck. At least I know what he was doing. But I couldn't help but feel my heart break.

I walked out the door to my car and got in. Before I could drive off I started crying. Then it turned to sobbing. I may sound overdramatic now but this was something really important to me. My mom and Dad were business owners. They barely paid any attention to me and now I have importance. Graduation they couldn't come because they had a business meeting. Me leaving for college they missed because they were at a convention. Throughout my childhood I never got love especially from them. Now I mattered. My teachers were more of parents to me than they were and I hated that. I heard my door open and Dean got in.
I wiped my tears.

"Get out" I said not daring to look at him

"Look at me" he said

"I said get out"

He pulled me into a hug. I smelled her perfume all over him. I tried to push him away but he held on tightly.

"You smell like her. Let me go." I said

"I'm sorry that you had to go through that alone"

I started crying more. I put my head into his neck and pulled him closer to me.

"Why did you come? You got bored of your little toy," I said mockingly

He sighed "I'm here for you Liz always"

"You can say it all you want but I'll never believe it"

"Then I'll say it forever no matter what until you do." he said looking me into my eyes.

It looked like he was leaning in. My heart sped up faster and I looked at him. He used his thumbs to wipe my tears away and kissed my forehead.
When his lips connected with my skin, my whole body heated up. I closed my eyes and opened them again to see him staring at me.

"Your beautiful" he said

"Don't -"

"I'm not lying. You are." he says

"I should go home"

"Ok. I think I'm going to go back inside and clear the tension a little."

"Ok. Goodnight." I said as he got out the car

" Dean?"

"Yeah" he turned back to me

I wiped the red lipstick off his neck and looks forward. He looked at me with a guilty expression.

"It doesn't matter. We aren't together anyways" I said then rolled up the window before he could reply

I drove off thinking about how one little kiss from Dean Warren could make me feel like I went to the sky and back. And how one little lipstick smudge on his neck could break me so easily.

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