Some Friendships Are Different

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Dean POV

"So you guys will give us 350,000 a year?" She said as we walked out the restaurant

"Exactly and if you achieve more in that year we will raise it by 100,000" I said

"That's great. This is so great" she said

"I'll drive you back to the gym"

"I could take the bus, Dean."

"Get in the car" I said holding her door open.
She sighed and got in.


"Thank you for driving me" she smiled
and got out. I followed her and she looked at me questioningly.

"I wanted to see for myself" I said

She nodded and we walked inside.

"Elizabeth there you are" the guy from earlier to came and hugged her

"Get off me Andy" she said laughing

"Sorry but some guy was in here looking for you frantically. It might be important." he said



"I don't know. He had on a black suit and wait he's right there" he pointed at me and I looked away

"You were here Dean?" She asked

"No. No I don't think so"

"Yes you were" Andy said

"No I wasn't now let it go Andy" I said harshly and grabbed Liz's arm

"What was that about?" She asked

I stared into her eyes and moved closer to her.


I crashed my lips onto hers. I tried to hold it back but I couldn't. I pulled away leaving her shocked.

"I can't stop thinking about you Liz. You are the one I want, not her. I wish things were better between us." I touched her cheek

She stood silent and didn't say anything.

"I'm going to go" I said kissing her hand "I'm sorry I complicated things"

I was about the walk out when someone grabbed my arm. I looked back and it was her.

"I can't stop thinking about you either" she said

I smiled at her.

"But we can't be together" she said

I frowned. "We should start as friends" I said

"We should be friends nothing more" she said

"What your saying is that you don't want to be more with me?"

"No Dean but if she's as dangerous as you say she is then I don't want anyone to get hurt."

"Then please show me" I said needing to feel her touch. "Show me how you feel. I need to know"

She pulled me by my hand into the backroom. She smiled at me and put her hand on my cheek. Then she leaned in slowly and I connected our lips. I backed her up into a wall and lifted her up. She wrapped her legs around my waist. We pulled away to catch our breathe. I kissed up her neck as she ran her fingers through my hair.

"Dean" she moaned softly

I could feel myself getting excited. We stared at each other for a long time with the desire evident. She kissed me again and our tongues fought for dominance. I let her win for a while until I took over. I pulled her body even closer to me.

"Elizabeth?" I heard the door open

She quickly moved down from me.
Then he appeared.

"Andy! Hey" she said smiling

"Hey. What was going on here?"he asked smirking

"Nothing. We were"

"Having a hot make out session?" He said

She blushed deeply.

"We'll fix yourselves before you come back out here. You two look like you just had sex" he said walking out

I started laughing and then she joined in too.

"I don't think friends have hot make out sessions" she said

"Hey some friendships are different" I said

"Shut up"

"You asked me to kiss you again?" I said

"No" she laughed

"I think you did" I pulled her into me and I kissed her again

She laughed and kissed me back. She started pulling away and I kissed on her neck.

"You are like a drug that I'm addicted to" I said

"Dean" she groaned

"What? Am I making you all hot and bothered?" I laughed

"Yes now stop it" she laughed

"Ok fine" I pecked her on the lips

She laughed."You have my lipstick all over you" she wiped it off

"Leave it there. I like to know that you kissed me."

I helped fix her hair and she fixed her shirt slightly revealing her tanned stomach. Fuck.

"Did you hear what I said, Dean?" I heard her say

"Hmm" I looked at her

"I asked if you have to go back to work?"

"Im the boss. I can go back whenever I want" I said cockily

"Well I was going to hang out with Zander. Do you want to join?" She asked

"Zander. You two seem pretty close now."

"We became friends." She said

"I don't like the idea of you and him being friends" I said getting angry

She wrapped her arms around my waist and kissed me on the lips.
"It is fine Dean. He's a really nice person once you get to know him."

"Oh I bet" i said

She rolled her eyes and kissed my cheek.

"You should head back to work. Im sure she's waiting for you there" she said frowning

"I guess so." I said walking towards the door. "Oh and Liz"

"Yeah?" She said

I kissed her on the lips gently.
"I will always choose you"

She smiled. "Bye Dean"

"Bye baby" I smirked as I walked out

I exited the gym and checked my phone. I had 120 missed calls from Victoria. I sighed.

"She has to go" I mumbled to myself

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