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I woke up feeling happy for once. I missed Dean during our two week fight. Even though he might've not been mine, I still needed him here as a friend. I looked at my beeping phone and saw it was a call from Dean. We fell asleep on the phone with each other.

"Hello" I said

"Good morning beautiful "

"Good morning handsome"

He laughed "What are you doing today?"

"Nothing. Why?" I said

"Ok well I was wondering if you would have breakfast with me at my house?"

"Sounds fun. I'll come" I smiled

"Great. See you soon."


I got in the shower and changed into my clothes I wear at training. After breakfast with Dean I'll go to work.


I walked up to Deans apartment door and knocked. He opened the door and smiled. I could smell him from here. Smelt like heaven. I smiled at him.

"Hey" he said

"Hi" I said

Why do I get nervous every time I see him?

I walked inside.
"I'm trying to cook" he said closing the door behind him

I walked to where he was and saw the burning eggs. I laughed and when I looked at him he looked embarrassed.

"Dean, next time turn the fire down and you have to crack the eggs." I took the pot away and threw everything away. I washed it and put it back on the stove making sure to turn the fire down.

"Here. Crack the egg like this" I said banging the egg a little on the side of the pan and pouring its content into the pan.

"You try" I handed him and egg.

"Ok" he was about to bang it hard but I grabbed is arm


"It would have broken. Let me show you" I grabbed his hand and we cracked it together perfectly.

He smiled at me and I smiled back at him. He turned the pan off.

"What are you doing?" I asked

"We're going to Ihop" he said

I laughed as he grabbed my hand.


Dean POV

We were sitting in IHOP eating and talking. I was happy. I grabbed her hand and she smiled at me.

"I got you something"

"Dean you shouldn't have" she said

I pulled out a box and got on one knee.
She dropped her fork onto her plate and stared at me. I handed her the box and she opened it. She started laughing and she hit me. I sat back down laughing.

"Why the hell would you do that?" She said

"I don't know but I had to" I said

She laughed "but these earrings are beautiful Dean. You really didn't have to"

I smiled and kissed her hand. "but I wanted to"

She blushed and I smiled at her.

"I'm so full" she said

I laughed.

"I ruined the moment, didn't i?"

"No you didn't. Come on lets go" I said putting money down on the table and grabbing her hand

We walked down the street hand in hand.

"Dean?" A woman walked up to us

"Hey" I said not knowing her name

"Remember me. Melanie from the banquet." she said touching my arm

I looked at where her arm had landed and frowned. I looked back at her.

"Oh Melanie from the banquet" I said pretending to remember her

I had no clue who she was.
"Who is this?" She asked looking at Liz

"This is my fiancée" I pulled Liz close to me

"Oh" Melanie said with a pissed expression "Well when you get tired of her, call me" she took a piece of paper from her bra and put it in my pocket

She walked away leaving both of us in shock. I looked at Liz and she didn't look at me she just started walking again.

"Liz" I followed her

"Oh I thought you might have needed some time to save her number " she said looking upset

"Why would I do that when I have you?" I said

"I don't know." She looked down at the ground

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and looked at my contact list.

"To show you how much I want you and only you, I will delete all the women's phone numbers out of my phone." I said

"Dean you don't have to" she said

And I pressed the delete button showing her the now clear contact list. I have three phones: family and friends, work, and female friends. She smiled at me and reached inside my pocket and ripped the paper with Melanie's number on it.

"You forgot one" she said

"Your cute when your jealous." I said

"I wasn't jealous. I just was upset that she didn't respect herself enough to throw herself at you when you clearly told her I was your fiancée. I wanted to rip that bitches head off in a nice way though" she said

I laughed and pulled her close to me.
"It's okay to get jealous Liz"

"Ok fine I was. Its just there's always going to be a competition, you know" she said looking down

"There's no competition when you won already." I said pulling her to me and kissing her on the lips.

She kissed me back and smiled. Then her phone rang and she looked at it.

"Hello" she said
"Kyle I'm so sorry I forgot. I'll be there in ten minutes. Ok bye" she hung up

I stared at her
"He's the only number I really have but I'll delete them later. His little sister Diana is having her birthday party today and I forgot. Would you like to come with me?" She asked

"Sure" I smiled

We got in my car heading to the party. I couldn't help but feel like things were going to go badly.

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