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I walked inside and saw Kyle sitting in his chair. I rolled my eyes. I walked over to him and he helped me sit in my chair. I crossed my arms.

"Thanks for coming" he said

"Well I didn't have much of a choice when you keep calling my apartment" I said

"When I called some guy answered and said that he's your fiancé and I should stop calling" he said

"Dean" I mumbled


"That was my fiancé. We broke up months ago Kyle. Why can't you understand that?" I said

"I messed up bad Liz and I realize that I need you more than anything"

"I guess since you've been saying sorry for 5 months now. I forgive you. I am getting married and that was your mistake. The only thing that I could put on the table right now is becoming friends." I said

"I appreciate that Liz and I look forward to it someday becoming more" he said

"Well it won't because I'm getting married" I said

"You look stunning" he said holding my hand

"Thank you"

Dean POV

"I can't believe we are doing this" I said as we sat in a booth across Liz and her boy toy. We used the menus to cover our faces. Thank god her back was turned to us.

"Don't you want to know what's going on?" David said

"Well yeah but-"

"No buts man just hers" Henry smirked

"Don't talk about her like that" I said glaring at him

Luke laughed.
"What's so funny?" I asked

"Your jealous" David said

"No I'm not. I just want to know what she sees in him. He's not as sexy as me and he looks like a douche" I said glaring at him

"Or your upset that she's here with him" Henry said

"I wonder if he's had sex with her" David said

"I bet you she's a freak in the bedroom"

"Do you think he would tell us if she's good or not?"

"Guys" I yelled causing people to look. We hid behind the menus.

"Can you hear what they are saying?" I asked David

"Some. He said that he needs her and she said that they can become friends. He asked if they could be friends with benefits."

"Hell no" I stood up and walked over to the table

"Thanks" she said to him

"Hey Liz I was sitting over there with my friends.I didn't know that you'd be here" I said

"Dean hey" she said "This is Kyle my ex boyfriend but new friend.

"So this is your fiancée?" Kyle asked

"The only and only " I said smiling at him and sat in the chair next to Liz

I kissed her on the cheek and grabbed a menu.

"So what are we eating?" I looked at the menu

"I think I should go" Kyle said

"Ok" I said glaring at him

He got up and kissed Liz on the cheek and left. I used the napkin to wipe her cheek that he kissed.

"What are you doing?" She asked

"Helping" I said

"You didn't have to be rude to him."

"I wasn't rude. I don't like him."

"Whatever" she said

"Let's eat"

"What about your friends?"

"Their fine. The chicken sounds good."

"What are you doing Dean? We don't have to do this? You made that 200% clear when you left this morning."she said sounding somewhat hurt

"That's why your upset?"

"You can be such an ass sometimes" she gets up and leaves.

I follow behind her. She's walking to her car when I grab her elbow.

"Don't touch me" she said snatching her elbow away from me

"I can do whatever I want. You are mine. Why can't you understand that?"

"I am not yours Dean. I won't ever be. Married or not. Why don't you call one of your little girlfriends to bother and leave me the hell alone?"

She walked over to her car and drove off. I sighed. Why am I supposed to care? She's right she's not mine. Im not hers. I picked up my phone and called her number.

"Hey sexy it's been a while since you called me."

"Stop whatever your doing. I'm coming over."

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