Peter stabbed

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Harley's pov:

I was peacefully sitting on mine and Peter's bed, reading one of my new books, when I heard the window slide open. I looked up and saw Peter in his Spiderman suit, limping towards the bathroom and shutting the door

"Pete, baby, what's up?" I called out

"N-nothing, I-I'm fine, g-go back to b-bed" he said, I was defiantly not convinced that he was fine

I nodded, even though he couldn't see and I went to go and sit back down on our bed

Peter's pov:

I had been stabbed. I had defiantly been stabbed. I didnt want to worry him though, he already had so much on his mind. I slowly, and very carefully took my suit off and tossed it into my bath and then grabbed the bandages out from under the sink

I gently wrapped the bandages all around my waist, grabbing a plaster to make sure that they wouldn't fall off. I then made my way back to my room. I grabbed a red jumper, so if I were to bleed, it wouldn't show

I then climbed into the bed with Harley, who was already under the covers.

He gently maneuvererd his hand round my waist, I winced slightly. "You ok?" he questioned, his voce full of worry, "Yeah, just got bruised slightly on patrol, that's all" I resurred him

He nodded, starting to play with hair before he fell asleep. I mean, I wasn't exactly lying, I mean I had defiantly been bruised, but I was also stabbed. On my right side, it hurt like a bitch to


"Harley, Peter, get up, you two can't sleep all Saturday" I heard my dad's voice from the other side of the door

"We're up old man, don't worry" Harley murmured, rolling over. I laughed slightly at his games. I then lightly slapped his arm, gesturing to get him up

I then sat up myself, wincing at the pain. Right, I got stabbed last night. I made my way to the bathroom, renewing the bandages, before re-joing Harley in the main room. "You ready for breakfast? he asked me

"Yeah, should be good, Bucky's making it" I told him. I grabbed my hand, and we made our way down to the dinning room. Everyone was already there, tucking into the breakfast - bacon, and pancakes.

Harley and I sat in our usual seats, with my dad to the right of me, Harley to my left, and on Harely's left was Natasha.

Half way through breakfast, I leaned over the table to reach some more bacon, when I felt something wet were I got stabbed the night before. I slowly moved my hand down to right side and felt the blood seeping through my jumper

"C-can I be excused please? I have to go to the bathroom" I asked, everyone nodded. I got up and headed to my bathroom

Harley's pov:

I watched Peter leave the room, was he limping?

"Hey Tony, can I be excused to?" I asked, looking at the billionaire

"Are you gonna go have sex with my son?" he asked, causing most of the table to laugh. "No, I just need to talk to him, urgently" I told them, emphasising the word 'urgently'

Tony nodded, and I sprinted after Peter. I got to his bathroom, and knocked on the door "Hey Pete, darling, you ok in there?"

"I'm fine Harley, don't worry" he called back, he sounded in pain. I went to open the door, but it was locked "Hey FRI, unlock the door please" I asked the AI. Once I heard the door unlock, I went inside

I was defiantly not prepared for what I was about to see. Peter was sitting on the toilet seat, bleeding from his abdomen. "PETER!" I yelled, he jumped slightly, "Hey, hey, Harley" he whimpered.

"You are aware you're bleeding, right?" I asked, he nodded "Of course" he added

"Pete, I have to get your dad, he'll kill me other wise" I told him, Peter sighed "Please don't, get, get Bruce" he said, I nodded

I kissed his head and left his room. I quickly found Bruce in his lab "Bruce, Peter got stabbed, do not tell Tony, he doesn't want him knowing, but I did manage to get him to let me get you" Bruce nodded and followed me back to Peter's room

When we arrived, Peter was in the bathroom, wrapping his lower stomach in a bandage. "Pete, I have to tell your dad" Bruce sighed "Bruce, I'm fine, seriously, I just pulled it slightly"

Bruce sighed "Pete either you come to med bay with me, and your dad comes to, or I'll sedate you and your dad can find out that way"

Peter slowly got up, and nearly fell over, I quickly ran over to him and caught him. "Yeah, you're going to med bay" Bruce said. We slowly manged to get to med bay, but by the time we got there, Tony was pacing up and down

"DID YOU GET STABBED, SHOT, IMPALED?!" He shouted. Bruce said anything before anyone else could "Tony, he was stabbed, but you need to calm down"

Tony nodded, both Peter and I sat down on the bed, whilst Bruce stitched him up and wrapped him up in fresh bandages. Tony sat on the chair near by chair, his leg bouncing up and down. Peter was leaning up against me, head on my shoulder "I probably should have said something sooner" he said softly

I chuckled slightly "You think?" I asked, he also chuckled slightly "Pete, you're all good, just no patrolling for a few weeks, other than that, you should be fine" Bruce explained, Peter slowly nodded

"Ok, I'm gonna go, Tony you may talk to your son" Bruce said leaving the room

As Bruce left, Tony got up and started running his hands through Peter's hair "Pete, next time you get shot, tell someone, please" he said, "I did tell someone" Peter pleaded

I looked at him confused, "You didn't tell me" I told him. "I told Mr Snuffles" he mumbled. Tony sighed, "Mr Snuffles?! Your stuffed animal that you haven't slept with in years!"

"Yes, he sits in our bathroom" Peter said, looking at me, I smiled sheepishly. "So that makes everything ok then" Tony said, "I still told someone" Peter defended himself

I sighed and rubbed Peter's back, kissing his hair. "Ok, just go up to your room and get some rest, I'll be up in a minute" Tony told us

We both nodded and went up to Peter's room. When we got in, Peter went and sat down on his bed, "Are you mad?" he asked, like a little kid, "No, I'm not mad at you. I would've preferred it if you had told me, but I'm not mad" I told him, going over to him, giving him a small hug

We both got all cuddly in his bed, whilst we watched the Harry Potter movies, with Tony fussing on Peter the enter time

"Dad, I'm not sick, I got stabbed, massive difference" Peter told Tony, who was trying to check Peter's temperature

"I'm sorry, but I worry and I want to help" Tony replied, "Ok, can you get some pizza please" Peter asked, Tony nodded and left the room

"See now, we have a personal assistant" Peter grinned before pressing play on Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Peter Parker sickfics and the occasional Avenger sickficTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang