~Shoot wound~

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Parley!! Stucky!! Iron dad!!

Reader's pov:

"Hey Mister Stark, c-can I talk to you for a minute?" Peter asked walking into Tony's lab

"Hey kid, I'm a little busy, can it wait?" Tony replied not looking up. "Oh, never mind it can wait, I'll tell you later" Peter said walking out of the lab. He went up to his room and went to the unsuite bathroom, grabbing the bandages

"Good evening Mr Parker, are you aware that you are losing a lot of blood?" FRIDAY asked Peter

"Yeah, but it's ok FRI, Mister Stark is busy with stuff in the lab, it's only a shot wound, I'll be fine. I just need to find the bandages and wrap it up, I'll tell him later" Peter responded.

After bandaging up his waist, he got changed into some slouchies and headed down to the lab. "Hey Mister Stark, what are you working on?" he asked walking in. "Oh, just working on Dumb-E updates, what did you want to talk about earlier?" he said turning around to face Peter

"Oh, just some stuff that happened on patrol and other things" Peter said

"Oh, what happened?" Tony asked intrigued

"Ok, I helped an old lady cross the street, gave someone his bike back, stopped a bank robbery, got shot, went to the market to buy chocolate milk, they didnt have chocolate milk, so I went to the McDonalds across the street. Oh also, you need some chocolate milk" Peter stated

"Y-you got shot! SHOT!" Tony said alarmed. "Yes, did you miss the part were I said you need more chocolate milk?" Peter asked

"Peter, get your ass to medbay, now" Tony pointed toward the medbay. Peter nodded and headed to medbay. When he got there, he sat on the bed, Bruce noticed and went over to the teenager

"Afternoon Pete, you feeling ok?" Bruce asked "Yeah, Mister Stark told me to come in here, on the account that I got shot on patrol today" Peter explained

"You got shot? Where?" Bruce asked calmly. Peter lifted his top up and unwrapped the bandages "Who wrapped this?" Bruce asked. "I-I did" Peter stuttered

"It's good, you did a good job, did you get the bullet out?" Bruce asked, placing pressing on Peter's stomach "Yeah, I took it out before I arrived. I did it when walking back" Peter nodded "Do I need stitches?"

"Ok, it's healing due to your metabolism, I would suggest not wearing a binder for a few weeks though. No you don't need to have stitches" Bruce told Peter. "And no patrolling for a few weeks either"

"Don't tell Mister Stark about the binding though, he doesn't know yet" Peter asked, Bruce nodded

"PETER BENJIMIN PARKER!" Tony shouted. "Tony, calm down, he's fine, don't worry" Bruce said not even turning around from Peter and continuing to wrap up Peter's waist. "Peter, why didnt you tell me?" Tony demanded

"You said you were busy, that's all. And Mr Banner said that I did a good job in wrapping it up" Peter defended himself "Oh, and that makes everything ok" Tony said sarcastically.

"Ok, Tony, you need to calm down, Peter will be fine. Just no patrolling for a few weeks" Bruce told Tony, who nodded and left "I'm going to get chocolate milk, I'll be back soon" Tony shouted throughout the tower

"Why is he going to get chocolate milk?" Bruce asked turning to Peter. "I told him he needed chocolate milk earlier" Peter smiled. "Ok, about the binding. Please just double check before you start again, it will only be a couple of weeks" Bruce explained

"W-what if Mister Stark finds out about my chest?" Peter asked looking down. "Pete, Tony will understand. But you cannot wear your binder for a few weeks, you could do more damage" Bruce explained "You can't wear a binder, sports bras only. If Tony finds out, then I'm sure he will understand. Pete, you have to promise me you won't wear one while you heal" Peter nodded slowly

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