~Help! They're all sick!~

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Harley, Peter, and Morgan all get sick at the same time. coisidentally, it is Harley and Peter's anniversary

Peter's pov:

"Harley, get your ass back into bed, now" I called out. Harley had been running around all evening trying to do something for our anniversary. All I wanted was to snuggle up in bed with him and cuddle, "I'll be in in a minute" I heard him shout back

Not long later, Harley walks in and gets into bed next to me. his nose looks all red and irritated. Come to think of it, he does look a little pale "Bubs, you feeling ok? You don't look 100%, ya know" I asked as he snuggled into me. He just nodded and fell asleep. It took me a minute to realise that he actually was asleep

-3am in the morning-

I woke up to hear vomiting. Harley. I thought, I knew he wasn't well. I went into our bathroom and saw him hunched over the toilet, looking pale as ever, hair all scruffy and vomiting. I don't think he realised that I was standing in the door way "I can't tell Peter, our anniversary. I just can't tell Peter, I can't. I would be such a burden" I heard him say over the toilet

I went over and crouched down next to him, he still didn't realise I was there until I flushed the toilet and helped him get into bed "Pete? W-what are you doing up? I thought you were asleep" he said. "I heard you throw up bubs, I wasn't just going to leave you, no way. And never say you're a burden, ok. I don't mind taking care of you when you're sick, ok" Harley didn't do anything. I assisted him back to bed, he had a few sniffs in between. I went back to the bathroom and got out a box of tissues. He took a few and blew his nose

"Any better?" I asked him, he shook his head. I went and got back down next to him

"I'b so sobby, I didn't wand to ruin our an- achoo" He said sneezing into his tissue. "It's ok, besides, we all get sick at some point, right?" I asked. he nodded in agreement. Harley hugged me, I pulled away "Achoo, achoo, achoo" I sneezed out. Harley looked at me "Oh shut up, I know, I know. At least you're not the only one sick" I said trying to cheer him up, I think it worked as he smiled. That's when dad came in, he looked worried "Morgan's sick, you two alright?"

Harley and I both looked at each other. Dad didn't have to ask again before "Achoo, achoo, achoo, achoo" Harley sneezed. Almost on que I went off "Achoo, achoo, achoo". Dad looked at us both. He came and sat at the edge of my bed and felt both of our foreheads "Both have fevers, no school for a few days, ok?" he looked deadly serious, we nodded "Both of you try and get some more rest, if you can't don't worry, just try, ok?" Dad said as he walked out, we both nodded

3rd person

Tony and Pepper had been in the kitchen most of the morning making soup for their precious babies. Morgan was laying on the long sofa, all curled up in a heap of blankets watching Doc McStuffins on her ipad, with her headphones on. Harley and Peter, where cuddled up on the round chair watching their favourite TV show, Teen Wolf. Unlike Harley and Peter, Morgan refused to say that she was sick, she refused to believe it and hated being at home and not with her friends

"Daaaad, can you- achoo, achoo- grab me a box of tissues please" Peter called back, Tony came in with two boxes, one for Harley and the other for Peter. "You two watching this again?" Tony questioned. "We've seen it already, so it doesn't matter if we fall asleep, like this o-o-o-achoo" Peter sneezed into a tissue. Harley was already fast asleep next to him

Tony looked at Peter, he looked sad and cold. Tony grabbed one of the blankets from behind the sofa and put it over Peter, who pulled it up to his chin and snuggled into it, pulling Harley close to him. "Daddy" Morgan said taking her head phones off. Tony turned around to his youngest and picked her up "What's wrong, you feeling icky?" Morgan shook her head "I'm not sick" "Morgan, you are, admit it. It's ok, just try and get some rest ok?" Morgan reluctantly nodded

Tony carefully grabbed her ipad and took her up to her room so she can sleep

Peter's pov:

As soon as dad left, I could hear the protesting from Morgan. I used to be like her, never admitting when I was sick. Now, I do, I learned. "Boo, whad dime ib id?" I heard Harley ask "Er...half four" I replied

"Damid, I slepd the whole day, I had a thing planned for doday. I jusd slepd drough de whole day" he said sniffling constantly. I had totally forgotten about that. "It's fine, we can always make plans for tomorrow, as long as the both of us are feeling better, ok?" Harley nodded

3rd person:

The next few days, everyone spent it getting better. Harley recovered a lot quicker than Peter. Morgan was right as rain by the next day. Harley made Peter stay in bed until he felt 100%. One week later, they went on a proper date and celebrating their anniversary.

Peter Parker sickfics and the occasional Avenger sickficWhere stories live. Discover now