~Sick Harley~

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So a little while ago, I did a fanfic, were Peter got sick and tried to hide it from Harley. This one, Harley tries to hide being sick from Peter - it goes ok, until it doesn't. Parley!! Iron dad!!

Peter's pov:

"DAD! DAD! DAAAAAAAAAAD!" I shouted throughout the tower when I arrived back from school "DAD!" I shouted again.

"PETER, CALM DOWN, WHAT DO YOU WANT?" He shouted back from his lab. I ran to the lab and hugged my dad. "I had a great idea" I blurted out.

"What?" he asked. "With the suit, so you know how you installed the heating system" he nodded. "I need help on how to control the temperature, it's great when I get drenched, not when it's cold out and I ask Karen to turn it on and I feel like I'm going to the sun" I said, quieting at the end

"That's it?" I nodded. "Ok, lets do it, we can re-code it to make sure that you can control the temperature on the suit" my dad said, I nodded and sat down next to him.

"Oh Harley's coming round later" I added on "Ask him to stay for dinner, we're ordering pizza FYI" dad told me, looking for something, I nodded gladly and called Harley, he picked up after 4 rings. "Hey baby, my dad said that you could stay for dinner, if you wanted to, we're ordering pizza" I told him

"Hey, yeah, yeah I'll stay, if you want me to" he said

"I want you to, are you sure that you're up for it, you don't sound to good? You don't have to come over" I told him

"Yeah, I'm fine, I'm just tired, I wanna see you" he whined "Ok, see you at 6? We can spend the evening together" I offered "Yeah, see ya in at 6" he said before putting the phone down

"Hey dad, I five questions" I said turning to my dad

"Okay" he questioned

"1. Do we have Tylenol? 2. Were are the spare blankets kept? 3. Do we have any cough drops? 4. Do we have Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban on anything? 5. Do we have any boxes of tissues?" I asked him

"Ok, ok. 1. No, but we have Ibuprofen. 2. In the spare rooms wardrobe. 3. Yes in the medicine cabinet. 4. DVD, Amazon, Apple TV. 5. Yes, in all the bathrooms in the tower. Anything else?" he said perfectly

"Any thermometers any where?" I also asked

"Yeah, same place as the Ibuprofen and cough drops, medicine cabinet. Why? You feeling under the weather?" He questioned coming over to me and placing his hand on my forehead "You don't feel warm" he puzzled

"I'm fine. It's Harley, he didnt sound well on the phone, I just don't want him to feel crap all night, so I'm gonna try and get him to tell me what's going on. It might take a while, but I want to make sure that he is ok" I admitted

"Ok, that doesn't explain the movie" Dad said "He once told me that when he was little, he got the flu and his mum played that film, and he, he, well, he watched over and over again, because it gave him comfort" I told my dad, who smiled. "You'll make a great boyfriend" he smiled

I nodded. We both tidied the lab and headed to the lounge. Once we got in the lounge, I turned to my dad "Ok, so. We have to come up with a plan to help Harley. Keep medicine in the lounge, hidden. Place some tissues on the coffee table, make it look natural. Blankets, just put on the sofa for movie night. We can just watch the film, because I can say I remembered that he liked it" I explained to my dad, who nodded

We both got stuff for Harley, and hid it in places in the lounge. I mean everywhere

-Under sofa cushions

-In the tissue box

-In our pockets

Literally anywhere and everywhere that would be a good place for medicine to hide. After we had finished, we sat on the sofa and laughed "We just spent two hours hiding medicine and we now are sitting on the sofa waiting for your boyfriend that could possibly be sick" dad laughed

"Yep, and he should be here any minute, can you order the pizza please" I told him standing up and going to the kitchen to get a drink and to get Harley a cup of tea. Just as the kettle had finished, Harley walked through the elevator door and came over to me "H-hey, what are you doing?" he asked

"I am making you a cup of tea, getting myself a cup of water and my dad is ordering the pizza" I told him, turning around and handing him the tea. He took the cup from my hands, and we both headed to the lounge

"Hey boys, the pizza is ordered and the movie is set up" dad told us, gesturing to the sofa. Harley and I both got all comfy on the sofa "Harls?"

"Yes" he turned his head "Are you feeling ok, you don't look to good, and you're quiet, and don't sound good?" I asked him "I'm fine, can we just watch the movie, what are we watching any way?" he asked

"Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban" dad said sitting on the other sofa. I pulled the blanket around Harley and me, whilst Harley snuggled into my side, sniffling slightly. He kept sipping his tea, but other than that, I couldn't see what was wrong with him

About 20 minutes into the film, the pizza arrived, dad stood up to get it, while I woke Harley up, who had fallen asleep "Are you sure that you're alright?" He nodded. I did take a mental check that he felt unnaturally warm though. Once dad arrived with the pizza, we both took a slice, while Harley didnt eat anything

"Harley, baby, you have to eat something" I cooed, "Not hungry, I am just going to the bathroom though, I'll be back" he said standing and leaving. Dad and I turned to each other "I'm gonna follow him" I said, following Harley

After I had caught up with him, I tapped him on the shoulder "Hey, I know you don't feel well, tell me and I'll take of you" I said

"I'm fine, I promise. If there was something up, I would tell-" Harley was cut of, by nearly fainting there and then. I quickly caught him, placing my hand to his forehead, "Aww, Harls, you're burning up, come on, let's get you to bed and medicated, don't even think about fighting me either"

He nodded, and I helped him up and to my room, passing my dad on the way "We're gonna need the supplies please" I told him, he nodded and started grabbing the stuff we had hidden around the room.

Once we had arrived in my room, I sat Harley down on my bed, and took his shirt off, replacing it with my jumper, then his shoes and jeans, replacing them with my grey joggers and some socks, before laying him down. "Feel any better?" he shook his head

"M'sorry, I thought I would last the evening. I didnt want you knowing I was sick" he mopped

"It's ok, let's finish the movie up here and get you well and rested, ok?" he nodded. I then got into my comfortable cloths and snuggled up behind him. Dad came in with the thermometer, medicine, tissues, and another blanket, before telling JARVIS to turn the movie on, on my TV and leaving

"Open up mister" I said grabbing the thermometer, he opened his mouth and I slipped the thermometer in. A few minutes later, it beeped, causing Harley to startle a little. I removed the device from his mouth and looked at the number "That is quiet a fever, 39.2, take the jumper off, and then grab the thin blanket and wrap it around you" I told him

As he did that, I got out the right dosage of medicine and gave it to him. He then snuggled back into my side "M'sorry, I really am. I thought I would get through the night, go home and die. Not die here" he said sounding congested. I passed him a tissue which he thanked me for, before blowing his nose

"I just wanted to spend the evening with you" he admitted "That's perfectly fine, when you don't have the flu. Next time you get the flu, stay home and rest, or tell me. I would've still let you come round, just we could've come to bed, watched a film and have you feeling much better already, ok?" he nodded

"Can we just go to sleep now?" he asked, I nodded and told JARVIS to turn the lights down and the movie volume down to. We then both ended up falling asleep in each others arms for the night.

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