~Field trip~

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Yes, I know, it's cliché, but I didnt know what to write and wanted to write something! Hope you enjoy

Peter's pov:

I sat in front on the my toilet and threw up for the 50th time that night. Both my parents were asleep, and Harley was fast asleep. I couldn't wake anyone up, but I did need someone, I defiantly knew I had a fever, and I defiantly knew that I wouldn't be able to make it back to my bed

"Hey FRIDAY" I asked

"Yes Sir" she responded

"Can you get Harley for me please?" I croaked. "Yes sir"

Harley's pov:

"Mr Stark, Mr Stark" I heard FRIDAY's voice fill the room. I rolled over and moaned. "Mr Stark your brother needs you" that's all she needed to say before I was up and out of my bed. I headed down to my baby brothers room and saw that he wasn't in his bed

Then I heard someone retch from his bathroom. I went into the room and saw my normally bubbly brother, looking sad. I nelt own beside him and rubbed his back "Hey baby bro, what's going on in here?" I asked him

"I threw up, a few times. Harley I don't feel well" he whined.

"Ok, do you need to throw up again, or can we get you back into bed?" I cooed. "Your bed" he whispered "Ok" I said as I picked him up

I took him to my room and laid him down on my bed. He then snuggled up under the covers holding his stomach. "Do you want me to get dad or pops?" I asked him. "P-pops" he whined, holding his stomach. I nodded and left the room

I got to my parents room and knocked on the door. It took a few minutes, but pops finally opened the door, he was top loss and their bedroom light was on "Hi pops, hi dad" I called out to my dad

"H-hi Harley" dad called back "What do you want Harley, it's 4 in the morning?" pops asked me

"Peter's sick, he wants- bye then" I said as pops left the room. I followed pops to my room. When I got there, pops was holding a crying, shaking Peter. "Harley, can you please get the bucket under the sink" he asked me

"Yeah" I said going to the kitchen "Harley, there's one in your bathroom" he called me back. I nodded and got the bucket "Why is there a bucket under my sink?" I asked him

"Because you and Peter both got sick a lot as kids, so we just put buckets under every sink in the tower" He explained, I nodded. Not before long, Peter was throwing up in the bucket with pops rubbing his back

Dad quickly came in and joined them. "Harley" Peter said when he stopped "Yeah, what is it?" I asked him sitting down in front of him

"T-thank y-you" he sobbed "It's ok, don't worry"

"Hey Pete, you need calm down ok, you'll make yourself worse otherwise" Dad told him. Peter nodded and started to slowly calm down. "Harley, can I have a hug?" he asked me, holding his arms out. I nodded and picked him up

He may be 16, but he's still really light and goes like a baby when he's sick. He wrapped his legs around me and buried his head into my neck. I rubbed his back, which seemed to calm him down

I saw dad and pops both get up and clean the bucket and my bed sheets. "I'm sorry Harley" I heard my brother say. "Why? You didnt do anything?" I asked him

"I got sick on your bed sheets" he nearly cried. "Aww, I don't care about the bed sheets, don't worry about them" I soothed him

I took him to the lounge and set him down, grabbing a blanket and dropping over him "I won't be able to go on my school trip will I?" he asked me, I shook my head "You know our parents, they wouldn't let you go if you had a case of the sniffles, let alone throwing up at 4 in the morning" we both laughed a little

Peter Parker sickfics and the occasional Avenger sickficWhere stories live. Discover now