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Harley's pov:

I woke up, with my boyfriend next to me. He was still fast asleep, unlike him. Even though he has school today, I though I would let him rest a little. He didn't get back until late, he also got back super wet, and didn't take a shower or got dried like I suggested.

I got up, got dressed and ready for school. I went down to the kitchen, I got myself some cereal and sat on the sofa, asking FRIDAY to turn on the TV at a low volume, not to disturb the others. I started living with Tony and Pepper after my mum died. Seeing as I am dating Peter, they didn't seem to mind. Just as I was about to start eating, someone messaged me, I checked to see who it was. Peter? He lives upstairs, why didn't he just come down? I thought to myself, I picked up my phone and read the messages

Spiderbaby: Hey, where are you?

Me: Hey, in the lounge why?

Spiderbaby: No reason, you just weren't with me when I woke up and thought you went out

Me: Oh. No, I'm still here. Want to come down for some breakfast

Spiderbaby: I'll be down in a minute, just getting changed

Me: See you in a bit baby, love ya

Spiderbaby: Love you too

I put my phone down and got back to my breakfast

Peter's pov:

I woke with a pounding in my head, I had a really stuffy nose, and a sore throat. I went to hug my boyfriend, but he wasn't there. I wondered where he was, the bathroom door was open, so he wasn't in there. I sat up to get my phone and message him, my body aching as I did so. I opened my phone and messaged him.

Oh, he was downstairs, that makes a lot more sense than going out, he would've told me. I got up and got dressed. My body continued to ache, my head started hurting more, and I got a blocked nose really quick. I went into my bathroom blew my nose and tossed it in the bin. I then got my back pack ready. I had to blow my nose again, I did it a few more times and then went downstairs

I went into the kitchen, grabbed myself a slice of toast and put some butter on it. By the time I made my toast I had to blow my nose again, I then had a little coughing fit. I heard someone come in behind me, they grabbed my waist "Morning baby, how was your sleep?" Harley asked me

"Id was ok, how was *sniff sniff* your sleep?" I asked him. He kissed my neck "It was good, feeling ok? you sound stuffy and a little horse" he asked me. I nodded. I then went into the lounge and sat on the sofa and started eating my toast, it felt like sand paper going down my throat, although I didn't want to tell Harley how I felt

Harley pov:

The moment Peter left the kitchen, I knew he was lying to me. I could hear the congestion in his voice. I didn't want him to lie to my, but at the same time I didn't want him to feel crap. I went back to the lounge and sat down next to him, I pulled him into my chest, he slowly relaxed into me.

-10 minutes later-

Morgan and Tony came down. Morgan came down and hugged Peter and I. Tony smiled "Morning kiddos, you two need to get to school, Happy can't drive you, he's on holiday, you have to take the bus" I groaned, I hated taking the bus

Peter and I got up and headed towards the door. "Bye kiddos, have a good day" Tony said to us. "Bye Stark, see you later, tell Pepper I said by" I said. he nodded. "Bye, dad, see you lader" Peter said as he left. Tony looked at me "Please make sure he's ok, he doesn't sound very well". "I know, I'll make sure he is ok, and so he won't push himself to far" I replied. He nodded.

Peter Parker sickfics and the occasional Avenger sickficWhere stories live. Discover now