~Sensory overload~

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Peter was sitting on the bed in the medical room at school. He couldn't breathe, he couldn't focus, he felt everything. Harley sat next to his brother, trying to keep Peter calm

-Few hours earlier-

Tony's pov:

I walked into Pete and Harley's room. Peter was awake sitting on his bed figiting

"What's wrong Pete? You ok?" I asked him. "Just sensory. I don't want to have a sensory overload but I might later on" he replied to me. I nodded "Want to stay home from school? You can if you want".

"No, no, if I feel like I'm gonna have one at school i'll get Karen or FRIDAY to alert you, promise"

I nodded at went to wake up my oldest son. He was snoring loudly and star fishing on his bed. "FRIDAY, can you wake up Harley please?" I asked my AI "Yes Sir" she responded

The next thing I knew Harley's mattress was being flipped over "Ow, you didn't have to do that today. I just needed to-" "You would have not woken up Harls, now get up and get ready school"

Harley grunted before putting his mattress back on his bed and heading to his bathroom. I turned round and Peter was still fiddling on his bed "Sure you want to go to school Underoos?" he nodded

-Time skip-

I waved by to the boys as they got out the car and headed for school

Harley's pov:

I wrapped my arms around my younger brothers shoulders. He grunted, I took my arm off of him "Hey, you ok, do you want to go home. Going to have a sensory overload?" I asked him. "I don't know, I might. I don't want to, but" "It's ok, find me if you do have one. I'll alert the principle to let the teachers know to get me if you have one ok?" he nodded and went to join his friends

Third person:

Peter walked over to Ned and MJ. He couldn't seem to focus on one thing. Before he knew it, he fell into his girlfriend's arms. "Whoa, you ok there?" she asked him. "S-sorry. I just- I might have a sensory overload. Sorry, I tripped and just fell, thanks for catching me by the way". "No problem, does your brother know, want me to get him?" she asked him

"Yes and no" He responded

They all headed to their classes

-Time skip-

"And who can tell me how many protons a Iron? Mr Stark, could you tell us?" the teacher asked Peter "Oh, erer...8" Peter responded trying not to have a sensory overload "Wrong, there are 7, this is basic stuff Peter"

Peter merely nodded. "Hey, Peter, you having a sensory overload?" MJ asked him worried. Peter nodded. MJ helped him stand, writing a note to the teacher before leaving with Peter. The teacher understood and sent an email to Harley's teacher

"I'm taking you to medical. Come on, teach hopefully notified Harley. He should meet us there soon, ok?" she said helping Peter to medical, Peter nodded. When they reached medical, the nurse helped get Peter settled. MJ stayed with him until Harley arrived

Harley arrived less than 5 minutes later, when he reached the medical room, he was way out of breath. The nurse grabbed him a glass of water to catch his breath, Harley eventually catches his breath and goes over to his brother

MJ says bye to Peter and goes to leave "MJ, can-can" "Do you want MJ to stay?" Harley asked, Peter nodded. MJ went down and sat next to her boyfriend. Peter rested his head on MJ's shoulder "I'm gonna call dad, ok, let him know to come pick you up" Harley said grabbing his phone

Tony's pov:

I was sat working on Peter and Harley's new suits when I get a call from Harley. "Boss, Mr Harley Stark is calling you, would you like me to answer" FRIDAY said to me. "Please" I responded. Harley's voice filled the room, he sounded worried "Hey dad, so Peter's having a really bad sensory overload, so fair only MJ's allowed to touch him, he won't let the nurse give him water because only MJ can, as he can feel her touch. He also doesn't want to sit down, but can't bare standing up, so he has come to the conclusion of sitting on MJ's lap and refuses to get off. Basically he won't do anything unless MJ has asked him to, as everyone else's voice doesn't right, or their touch doesn't feel right. Also he no longer likes your peas, as he can taste them in his mouth, we need you to come pick him up" Harley finished. "I'm on my way, I'll get Pep as well, I'll be about 20 minutes, is that ok?" I asked him. I got a muffled yes

Harley ended the call. I got up and headed straight to get Pepper and then to the school

Peter's pov:

I heard everything, it was loud and was giving me a headache. Everyone but MJ was making me feel weird, I didn't like the feeling of my t-shirt on me anymore. I couldn't stand the taste in my mouth or anything as a matter of fact

"Baby, I need you to calm down, ok. You'll make yourself sick" I head MJ's voice. She kissed me on the forehead, I didnt mind it as much, just because it's her. Harley came back in the room and said dad would be soon.

A few minutes later, mum and dad showed up. I wasn't expecting mum to come. They talked to one of the nurses, before coming into the medical room. Mum looked worried, so did dad, not as much as mum though

Pepper's pov:

I was happily working, when I got a call from tony. He said we needed to go and pick peter up and that he was having a sensory overload, poor thing

Tony came and picked me up, before we both got to Peter's school. They made sign a few things and then we could go see Peter to take him home. We got into the medical room and Peter was a state. he was hyperventilating, crying, and shaking in MJ's arms.

I walked over to Peter he looked at me a made grabby hands just like he did when he was little. He climbed off of MJ's lap and into my arms "Mummy, it hurts, everything hurts" he said burying his face into my neck "I know baby, I know, lets get you home yeah?" I replied he nodded

Once Tony signed a few things, we took Peter home, Harley stayed at school. When we were in the car, Peter put on his noise cancelling headphones, and grabbed one of the colouring books that were in the car

"We should probably take him to Bruce, just to make sure he's ok" Tony said to me, I nodded

When we arrived back to the tower, peter was a little more relaxed. We took him inside, being careful to not touch him to much, he then went and took his jeans and t-shirt straight off. He came down with a baggy jumper and bagger iron man pyjama bottoms on

"Hey honey, why don't we go and get Bruce to look- Peter Anthony Stark, get down" I said as Peter jumped on the roof using his webs

"Not going to Bruce, not going" He said to me

Tony walked in, probably hearing peter jump on the ceiling. "Hey Undeross, what ya doing? Why are you on the roof, you just had a sensory overload, you should be sleeping" "I told him about going to Bruce, and got this as a response" I told him

Peter stayed attached to ceiling, whilst Tony gave me and him weird looks "Not going to Bruce, ok. Only come down if I don't go to Bruce" he told us, we knew he was serious.

"Miss Potts, you have a meeting, I suggest you attened" FRIDAY alerted me "Be right there FRIDAY"

Tony's pov:

"Tony, over here please" Pep asked me

I followed Pepper out the room. "Ok, Harley will be back soon, you also need to pick Morgan up, and I expect the house to still be standing by the time I get home" she told me sternly "How reckless do you think I am?" I asked her, she gave that look. The look when I know someone is being serious. I nodded and kissed her goodbye

I went back into the kitchen, to no surprise Pete was still on the ceiling. "Hey undeross, why don't you come down and we can watch a movie and pick your siblings up later, ok? Or do you want me to get Happy to pick the others up?" I asked him

Peter slowly got down from the ceiling and hugged me like a kola. he buried his face in the rock of my neck, "Ok undeross, lets go watch a movie" I said to him.

We both sat down and spent the day watching movies. Later, Happy picked Harley and Morgan up from school.

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