~Trying to hide being sick from Harley~

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In this one Peter and Harley are dating. It's Peter's first time being sick around Harley. Peter is Tony's biological son

Tony's pov:

I knocked on Peter's door, he should've already been up for school, but I like to check just in case. I knocked on his door again, no reply. "Pete, you've got school, can I get something to know that you're up", yet again I got nothing. "Peter Anthony Stark open the door" I stated

"Peter seems to still be asleep boss" I heard FRIDAY say. I go to open the doors, of course they're locked "FIR, unlock the doors" I told her. I heard the doors unlock and went in. Peter was in fact still asleep.

I walked over to my son and tapped him on the shoulder, I got a grunt in response. "Underoos, you need to wake up, you'll be late for school other wise". "Nooooo, don't feel good, don't make me go" he whined, not the annoying kind more of a sick whine. "Aww, what's wrong underoos?" I cooed. I got a moan in response. "Feel achy, everything seems bright, nose is runny" he said as he buried his face in his pillow

"Aww, want me to go get your mum to make you some chicken soup?" I asked him, I got a subtle nod in response "Ok, want to go lay on the sofa in a bunch of blankets and watch a movie?" he nodded

"Ok, want me to carry you?" he nodded. I picked him up like a baby in his duvet and carried him downstairs. I sat him down on the sofa, he nuzzled himself into the sofa cusions

"Dad, don't dell Harley, please" he said giving me puppy dog eyes. I sat down next to him and stroked the hair out of his eyes, "Why, he's your boyfriend? He's coming over later anyway, and he'll probably notice you're not at school" I told him. "Er..."

Peter's pov:

"Er..." I didnt think of that. "You have to tell him, Peter, he'll want to know. You two have been dating for over a year now and I think he deserves to know, you've seen him sick" dad told me. I shook my head and pulled the blanket over me

I felt a tap on my arm, I shook my head, I don't think dad saw though, he pulled the blanket off of my face and put his hand to my forehead. You didnt need a thermometer to tell I had a fever, no doubt about that

Tony's pov:

I out my hand to Peter's forehead, I could feel the heat radiating off of him. "Aww Underoos, I'll go the thermometer and tell your mum to make you some chicken soup, ok?" he nodded

I stood up and headed to the kitchen. I saw Pepper in there reading the morning news on her Stark Pad. "Morning" she said cheerfully. "Morning, can you make Pete some soup and get him some fanta please?" I asked her

"Why? Is he sick?" I nodded "Aww, of course I can make him some soup, what about Harley? is he still coming over later?" she asked me. "Yeah, he's still coming over. Pete doesn't want him to see him sick, but I think it will be better for their relationship" I told her, she nodded in agreement

"Daaaaaaaaaaad *cough cough* can you come back please" I heard Peter call. I grabbed the thermometer and walked back into the lounge. The poor boy looked so sad and was all bundled of blankets. "Hey buddy, I need you to open your mouth so I can check you're temperature, ok?" he nodded and opened his mouth. I popped the thermometer in his mouth and waited

After about 30 seconds, it started to beep. I took it out and looked at the result. "No school for a few days, you have a fever of 39.6 (103.2). We need to get that down, come on, bath time" I told him. I got a very hesitant nod. I picked him up and took him to his bathroom. I ran a cold bath as he got undressed

He got in and sat down, he then quickly stood up to get out. I sat him back down "I w-want t-to g-get o-out d-dad" he said to me "I know, just a couple of minutes, that's all. we need to get that fever down" I told him

Peter Parker sickfics and the occasional Avenger sickficWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt