Period - Peter

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This is a trans Peter Parker story. FYI he hasn't started T yet, Tony, Pepper, and Harley are the only ones that know he is trans. FYI I'm not trans myself, so I don't know the full factors, but I will try my best. Sorry if I offend anyone, I don't mean it. Enjoy. Also Peter and Harley are dating in this one

Peter's pov:

I woke up to massive cramps. I groaned, knowing that I was on my time of the month. This just made me more dysphoric than I already was. What made matters worse, was that barley anyone in the tower knows I'm trans. I sat up and instantly regretted it

Sitting up just made the cramps worse, a lot worse. I wanted to wake up Harley, but he didn't go to sleep until late last night because I had a panic attack about something that I don't even remember.

It took a few minutes, but I eventually decided on just getting up and going to my parents. I got to my parents room and nocked on the door.

After a few moments of silence, my mum opened the door, I immediately hugged her "Morning baby, what's going on?" she asked

"Cramps, I'm on my time of the month, don't start T until next month and I wanted to wake Harley, but I didnt because he didnt go asleep until late because I had a panic attack" I said in one breath

"Slow down, don't worry, let's get you some pain killers and some stuff and then get Harley, ok" she soothed me. I nodded

After I had some pain killers and some stuff to help me, my mum grabbed me a hot water bottle and helped me get comfortable on the sofa. She then sat down next to me "Do you want anything baby?"

"No, I don't want anything, mmm, actually can you go and get Harley for me please" I aske, "Yeah, ok course, I'll go and grab him"

Harley's pov:

"Harley, Harley" I heard Pepper say

I slowly sat up and looked around, she must've seen I was confused as she went onto explain "Pete's on his time of his month and is a little emotional, he was asking for you"

I sighed, of course he wouldn't wake me. "Where is he?" I asked

"Lounge" I nodded and stood up. "Oh, Pep, you might want to do some washing, bed sheets" I pointed to the blood on the bed sheets, she nodded and I left to go and find Peter, grabbing a blanket on the way

I saw him sitting on the sofa, crying and whimpering. I quickly ran over and hugged him "Hey baby, what's going on?" I asked him "H-Harley" he whimpered, pulling me into a tight hug

"Is your stomach cramping?" He nodded. I sat down next to him and pulled him on top of me, placing some kisses on his forehead

"Does this make me any less of a boy?" he asked me "No, of course not, you're still a boy, you're still my baby boy, still my Peter" I told him

"Thank you, I'm also sorry about last night" he apologised "Don't be, I'll always be there for you, you had a panic attack, it's fine" I told him, rubbing his back "Don't worry"

"M'k, do you mind me falling asleep on top of you?" he asked "Of course, don't worry, I'll be here when you wake up"

Before I knew it, I heard Peter's soft, quiet snores


It had been a few hours since Peter had fallen asleep. He was now awake and watching a film under a blanket while I helped Tony make lunch. "So, why did he have a panic attack?" Tony asked me

"Oh, er...I don't really know. After dinner last night he went to his room. I assume you remember, as you were there. I went up to check on him, and didnt come back as he was just hyperventilating and crying in the corner of his room. That was at about 10 o'clock and at about 2 o'clock" I explained

Tony sighed "What?" I asked

"He had a panic attack a panic attack a few weeks ago when you went out for a few nights, he thought back to the time when I nearly died in New York" he explained

"So you think he thought about it again?"

Tony nodded "Let's not talk to him about it for the next week, he's not feeling great" I said "Oh, I know, don't worry" I nodded

Once lunch was made, we headed back into the lounge, Peter made grabby hands for me and I obviously went and sat down next to him. "Hey baby boy, you feeling ok?" he shook his head. "My cramps aren't any better"

I nodded "Want some lunch?"


"Good we made pizza" Tony chimed in, I saw the smile grow on Peter's face


"Ok you two, bedtime" Pepper told us, well more me. Peter had fallen asleep on top of me. I nodded and picked him up. When I got him comfortable in bed, I got myself into some pyjamas. I then pulled Peter in a hug and placed a kiss on his head before whispering Good night baby boy, love you

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