~Tired/flu sick spiderling~

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Tony's pov:

I was sitting in the lounge of Avengers Tower and watching TV, when Steve and Bucky walked in the room, looking worried "Hey boys, what's going on?" I asked them, as they sat down in front of me "We heard Peter get in at about 3 in the morning last night, it was 4 the night before, and 2 the night before that" Steve explained

"Have you seen him recently?" I asked them, "We haven't, no, have you?" they asked

I thought about it for a moment "I saw him last night, he was working in the lab, when I sent him off to bed, not patrol. He did look a little tired". We all sat in silence for a moment "Hey, FRI" I said

"Yes Sir" she responded "Can you tell me when Peter leaves for patrol?" I asked her "Yes Sir"

"Thank you FRI" I thanked my AI. "You're letting him go on patrol?" Bucky asked me, sounding surprised. "Yeah, but I'm waiting for him to come back in. I'm then going to talk to him, he won't talk to me otherwise, it's 9 now, so he should be going out soon" I said getting up to get and getting a drink.

I then headed to my lab, at around half 4, FRI spoke up "Sir, young Mister Stark is just getting back from patrol" she said, I stood up and headed up to his room. When I got in, he was struggling to climb into his window "Pete, what are you doing?" I asked him

"H-hey dad" he muttered. I grabbed him and helped him into the room "I-I was just, just getting back from patrol, I lost track of time" he said

"Pete, have you been getting back this late normally?" I asked him, already knowing the answer. He shook his head "Peter Benjamin Stark" I warned, he nodded. "Pete, that's not healthy, how much sleep have you been getting?" I asked him, sitting him on the bed and helping him on the bed and helping him change

"Pete, you can't even change yourself, you're sixteen, you need to be getting sleep" I told him. "B-but I have to do patrol, and h-help" he half yawned. I sighed, putting his top on "Pete, you also need sleep, what good do you think you are going to tired, Pete?" I looked at him, he was asleep

I tucked him into bed and placed a kiss on his head, before leaving his room. I went next door to Steve and Bucky's room "Oi, capsical" I said knocking on the door. "W-what?" his voice thick with sleep

"Can you please make sure that Pete doesn't go to school in the morning, he can't go" I told him "Yeah, I'll make sure, why can't you do it?" he asked. "Because it's half 4 in the fucking morning, I haven't slept all night, I'm not gonna be awake when he has to go to school" I told him

"Oh, ok, do you want me to wake you up when he wakes up, or when he argues with me to go to school?" He asked, sitting up. "I would love to say when he wakes up, but if he argues with you for over 10 minutes, then yes get me up" I told him walking out

I headed to mine and Pepper's room, and crept into our bed and pulled her close, she woke up a little "Tony?" she asked sleepily "Hey, shh, go to sleep, I'll tell you in the morning" I told her, she nodded and snuggled her face into my chest and fell asleep. I placed a kiss on her forehead and fell asleep myself

Steve's pov:

After Tony left, I set my alarm for 8, when Peter was supposed to get ready for school. I then cuddled Bucky and fell back asleep.

The next morning, my alarm went off, and I woke up sat up. Bucky also sat up and looked around confused. "What the hell are we doing up so early?" he asked

"Well morning to you to" I said "Sorry, morning, just why are we up this early?" he asked politely, placing a kiss on my check. "Tony asked me to make sure Peter doesn't go to school today, due to the times he's been getting in from patrol" he nodded

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