Harley in charge

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Harley – 17

Adalyn (Harleys girlfriend) – 16

Peter – 15

Harley's pov:

"Hitchew" I heard someone sneeze. I rolled over to see that it was 3:34 in the morning. 3:34 IN THE FUCKING MORNING

There was no way that I was getting up, no way. Sorry, zip, zelch, nadda.

So this wasn't my finest moment, but I was tired, I just had exam week, and I did good, I was fucking tired.

"Hitchew, hishew, achoo" I heard someone sneeze again "Harley?" I heard someone say my name

I groaned and buried my face into my pillow

*Cough cough*

Ok, so they didnt sound too good. I felt someone tap my shoulder blade "Harley, please, wake up" Peter said, now I was up

Me and Peter shared a room, but the thought didnt occur that it could be Peter that was sneezing. I mean it should've, seeing as both of our parents were out, but like I said, exam week

I quickly sat up and saw my younger brother standing by bed. "Hey little bro, you not feeling well?" I asked him, he proceeded to shake his head "My head hurts, Im achy, congested and my throat feels like its ok fire, its also fucking freezing" he stated

I nodded and pulled him down, so he was sitting in front of me and placed my hand on his forehead "I think you have a fever baby bro" I told him

He shook his head "I cant be sick, mum and dad arent here, you have a date in the morning, and I messed everything up"

"Hey, look at me, you didnt mess anything up. Yes, it was bad timing, but you didnt mess anything up, ok?" he nodded his head "Im going to go and find the cold and flu, I then want you to get some sleep" he nodded again

I left him in my room whilst I went to find my baby bro some cold and flu. I eventually found it, right at the back of the cupboard, of course. I then headed back to my room, to find Peter shivering under the bed covers

I quickly went over and rubbed his arm "Hey, I brought you the cold and flu" I smiled sadly. He looked at me with glassy eyes and a tear-stained face

"Hey, no tears, no tears, lets just get you medicated and then get you some sleep" he nodded. I got out the right dosage of medication, which he took gladly, thats how I knew he was feeling like crap

"Hey FRIDAY, whats his temp at?" I asked the AI

"38.9" She responded, not the number I was hoping for. I nodded even though no one could see me, and took a blanket away from Peter "No, cold"

"I know, I know, but we have to get that fever down, how about I get in the bed next to you and you can fall asleep in my arms?" he nodded. I climbed into the bed next to him, and he cuddled into my open arms


The next morning, I woke up to FRIDAYs voice ringing through my ears "Harley, someone named Adalyn is here to see you"

'Shit' I muttered under my breath, I totally forgot that I had my date this morning "Thank you FRI"

I slowly got up and answered the door. "Hey Addie, sorry, I forgot about our date" I told her

"I put make up for nothing" she whined

"Sorry, but it does look nice I told her," trying to please her "Its ok, I was just joking, and thanks" she replied. I was about to say something, but I felt something grab my waist, it made me jump slightly

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