A Plan is in Motion! An Exile Makes an Offer!

Start from the beginning

Piccolo retorted, "The deal is that he is most likely the same race as Frieza, possibly another relative. And take what I've told you into context, he's much more of a threat than what Frieza posed twelve years ago."

A deadly silence loomed over the trio of adolescence, with a feeling of dread settling in their stomachs.

Bulma, taking a step forward and turning the attention back to her, said, "Which is why we need to get rid of this robot army and the Frieza wannabe's cronies as soon as possible."

The blue-haired woman soon made her way over to the table and picked up her blueprints of a device she was hard at work on

"Fortunately for all of you, I just so happened to be hard at work on a kill switch for those buckets of bolts!" She said with sass, winking at everyone.

"So that's your angle to stop this! Bulma, that's genius!" Krillin gushed.

Lazuli or C-18 smirked, thinking, 'An old fashion E-Stop button. Clever girl. I can see where this woman succeeded and where you failed, Father.'

Erasa, still confused, asked, "A kill switch? But wouldn't a small remote-only work on one alone? How's that gonna stop the entire army?"

Smirking, Bulma said while pointing to the Dragon Team, "That's where these guys come in. Oh, wait. Before I forget."


Just then, the two little half-Saiyans bolted into the room in front of the president of the Capsule Corporation.

Videl narrowed her eyes at this sudden action, thinking, 'What is she up to?'

"Yes, Mom/Auntie Bulma?" The kids said at the same time.

"Stand over there next to Krillin and Lazuli, okay? This is very important, so I want you both to listen up."


Both boys made their way over to the adults, catching Videl off guard while rendering her friend utterly speechless.

'They're nuts! These people let those two little kids go with them!' All three teens thought at the same time.

Recognizing the looks they were giving them, Bulma chimed, "Quit overreacting, kiddos. These two boys are much stronger than Goku was growing up, and he was responsible for the destruction of the Red Ribbon Army."

From there, Videl, Sharpner, and Erasa fell over, nearly fainting from the bombshell that was laid on them.

"Anyways, this not-Frieza got his own Ginyu Force-esque soldiers overseeing the carnage of West City in three different districts. Tien, Trunks, you take the guy with the green skin and long hair. Krillin, Lazuli, and Goten, you handle the one that looks like a frog, Piccolo and Videl will go and take care of the teal guy with the comb-over. As soon as one of those tin cans is scrapped, one of you flies right back here so I can take it apart. I'll do the rest there. Just trash as many robots as you can and take down those soldiers."

"Wait, why is Videl going? She can get pulverized out there!" Sharpner asked with concern, now up and listening.

"Excuse you," Videl said, now furrowing her eyebrows with her arms crossed. "Because I can do this–"

Videl then forms a small blue ball of ki, taking Erasa, Sharpner, Krillin, and Tien by surprise before it vanishes through her will.

"–and you can't." The girl finished huffing with pride.

Bulma agreed, saying, "Videl is correct, Sharpner. Under normal circumstances, I'd have Videl sit this one out while the others handle this, but since she has more experience and can use ki-based abilities thanks to Gohan, she is capable of keeping up with the rest of the gang during this mission."

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