"Because they went to Karasuno. Why don't we [-------------]"

"I bet it's because [---------------]"

"No. That's not the reason, it's just a coincidence that [---------]"

"Whatever [-------------], if you're sure."


"What is that? A cow?"

"No!" Yana pouted as she showed him a drawing of a pelican.

"Let me see closer" Oikawa moved his hand closer to Yana's hand to reach for the paper but instead ended up grabbing her wrist by accident.


'Zumi! You know you aren't allowed to see them! What do you think you are doing? I'm the only one who is allowed to touch you.'


Yana jerked her arm away and slapped Oikawa's hand off her wrist, the motion knocked over one of the empty cups. A silence that seemed to last an eternity was broken by the sound of shattering glass.

Oikawa saw in her eyes, the windows to her soul, fear was etched in Yana features as her facade crumbled into a grimace.

"S-sorry" her voice was small as she apologized. Her hands were visibly trembling. The room seemed like it was spinning as her ears burned from a high-pitched buzz. "I-I uh, I'll see you in school tomorrow." Yana hastily pulled out money to pay for both of their drinks and a little extra for the cup. She gave him a shaky smile before she left the stunned Oikawa sitting at the booth.

- ----THAT EVENING-----

"Kuroo. Kenma." Yana whimpered as she lay on her stomach under her blankets. "I totally fucked up."

"What'd you do?" Kenma asked as he tried to shove Kuroo away from his apple pie.

"I freaked out when he grabbed my wrist then I knocked over a glass and finally I paid and practically ran back home." Yana plopped her face into her pillow. "I did text him earlier though, I said I was sorry and that it was just a thing I have a bad reaction with. He seemed to take that as an answer."

Kuroo and Kenma froze with a frown on their faces. "What do you mean he grabbed your wrist?" Kuroo's voice was low and deliberate. Call them overprotective but it wasn't without reason. There was a very good reason for them to react that way.

"No, no! Nothing like that. It was just an accident!"

"That's what you said before." Kenma clicked his tongue agitated.

"This time it is. Ok? I promise." Yana tried to calm them both down "See I'm fine! Plus, he is Hajime's best friend! They've known each other since they were kids. Nothing like that would happen."

Kuroo sighed and dragged a hand down his face. "Fine. Fine."

"If he does anything. I mean anything. You will tell us. Got it?" Kenma crossed his arms and waited for Yana to respond.

"I promise I will." Yana smiled. A warm fuzzy feeling bubbled up inside of her. She always thanked her lucky stars that she was blessed with the two best damn friends in the world. Yana honestly didn't know where she would be without them.

- ----THE NEXT DAY-----

Yana had told Hajime that she was going to go on ahead. It was Oikawa's turn to open up the Gym which meant he would be the first to be there. She needed to apologize to him.

As soon as she got to school and spotted the brunette, she immediately beelined her way to him. "Oikawa!"

"Yana-chan. Are you ok?"

She quickly stopped him before he could say anymore. "I'm sorry. It was my fault and I even ditched you after that too." Yana fidgeted in place a little. "I, um. I don't really like having my wrists grabbed. Hands are fine, just not wrist. It's because..." She paused trying to figure out a way to tell him. There were memories she'd rather never have to look back on again.

"Stop." Oikawa pet her head gently. "That was my bad. You don't have to explain yourself to me. You don't need to force yourself to tell me." He grinned and smoothly transitioned to a different subject. "Besides, I got to spend most of my afternoon with a cute girl and even finished off cross-referencing the project." He handed her the USB and flicked her nose in the process. "Aren't I just the greatest partner ever?"

Yana scoffed and rolled her eyes playfully. "I don't know about that. You chose Aliens as our topic. Aliens!"

"I don't see what's so wrong about that." Oikawa shrugged proudly.


"Everyone gather around." Coach Irihata blew his whistle to get the rest of the team's attention. "As you all know, the Inter-high tournament is coming up. of course, our aim is to win first place." He paused for a moment. "A school from Tokyo reached out to us recently." The Coach snuck a look at Yana's reaction."

"A school from Tokyo?" Kindaichi perked up.

Yahaba was the next to speak "Oh, what if Yana knows them?"

"That'd be kind of cool" Hanamaki nodded.

The coach waited for the team to settle down before he continued. To be perfectly honest, he was surprised that a big school from Tokyo contacted him and asked for a practice match. The two schools had no prior connections. He wasn't saying he didn't want the offer; he was just curious as to why them. "We will be up against Shōsha Academy's Boys' Volleyball Club."

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