Personality and Relationship

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Before I continue writing, I want to share Team ARMS personality and relationship with one another

Ash Timber is now the leader of the group, he is focused, calm, swift, quiet, mature, serious, determined and a generous soul. He spends his free time training and meditating. At night, Ash doesn't really sleep much, he mostly trains hard to unlock his semblance's true potential. Ash is also a pro at martial arts, he has a sense of honor than a sense of humor, but that doesn't mean he can't be funny. He was born an orphan and raised by a family of humans (his origin will be told later).

Mark Indigo is the intelligent one of the group, he's clever, quick-witted, bright, brilliant, level-headed, imaginative, creative, and a genius. Mark mostly likes to tinker with technology, electronics, or anything useful, in other words he has an inventive mind. Even though he has no other choice but to fight for the survival of others, Mark doesn't really like violence.

Raptor Atesh is the heavy hitter of the group, he's likeable, witty, adventurous, charming, athletic, curious, humorous, honest, kind, and tolerant. He spends his time working out, doing exercises, and punching things. Like Ash, he's also good fighter. He's always trying his best to control his inner fighter.

Scarlet Oscuro is the youngest of the group, he's hyper-active, optimistic, laid-back, whimsical, humorous, swift, comical, amusing. He spends most of his time dancing, running, and pulling pranks on others that deserves it. He was born with unlimited speed and raised by mercenaries.

Relationship With One Another


Ash and Mark: Ash and Mark bondage is not that big, but they do respect each other. Ash respectful toward Mark and vise versa. Asking each other's advise. They see each other as equals when it comes to intelligence and are on the same page in most situation, Both of them are mature, but Ash is clearly more mature than Mark.

Ash and Scarlet: Very close friends. They share a father-son relationship and sometimes share a mentor-apprentice relationship. Scarlet being carefree and laid back and Ash being more mature and wise. They tend to share different opinions, but they do respect each other. Ash and Scarlet have been friends since they were little kids.

Ash and Raptor: They see each other as equals when it comes to combat, which means they have a solid brotherly relationship. Furthermore, Raptor seems like a right-hand man to Ash. Seeing each other as equals in strength, they most of time spar with one another. Ash being more skilled and Raptor having more strength.


Mark and Ash: Ash and Mark does sometimes bond with each other, both are mature, but Mark is not nearly mature as Ash. considering Mark views Ash as the smartest (after himself) on the team. They often play chess together and other games that requires patience and strategy, and ask advice on different subjects. They work well together, and clearly respect one another.

Mark and Raptor: Mark deeply respects Raptor, almost like brothers, constantly bickering over the slightest of details. But Mark sometimes finds Raptor's love for smashing through situations uninteresting at times and wants him to embrace his science more frequently rather than just his inventions. But, they don't hate each other and respects each other's interest. In other words, their relationship is kind of like brains and brawn.

Mark and Scarlet: While he can be annoyed by Scarlet at times, they usually get along very well. Besides seeing each other as brothers, Mark mostly sees Scarlet as an assistant and/or lab rat. But, he is annoyed by Scarlet's attention-seeking stunts and general exuberance, despite Mark also often being energetic himself sometimes.


Raptor and Ash: Raptor and Ash see each other as equals when it comes to fighting and both are heavy hitters. Raptors holds a right-hand man role and respects Ash's seriousness.

Raptor and Scarlet: They have a cool older brother and little brother dynamic. Scarlet is most competitive towards Raptor. He gets along quite well with Scarlet as they share similar upbeat attitudes and love for fun and jokes. Though he is more mature than Scarlet, Raptor enjoys Scarlet's sense of humor.

Raptor and Mark: He highly respects Mark's intellect and creativity and trusts him to support the team, yet agree on many things.


Scarlet and Ash: Very Close. They share a father-son bond, as well as a mentor-apprentice bond. Ash is Scarlet's childhood friend and sometimes a mentor during training. Ash does sometimes find Scarlet's jokes humorous, but doesn't really laugh about it.

Scarlet and Raptor: Often seen at his friend's side causing mischief with him, Scarlet and Raptor have a lot in common, including a fondness for healthy food, playing video games, watching movies, and playing practical jokes on each other or other people.

Scarlet and Mark: Though he doesn't always share his interests, Scarlet gets along well with Mark. Scarlet cares about Mark and shows this by teasing him. That doesn't mean they don't share common ground or hate each other. Scarlet doesn't mind being Mark's lab rat sometimes.

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