Let The Initiation Begins

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Ash jumps from tree to tree, making his way to the north side. On his way, he found Scarlet and now the two became teammates. Ash's faunus ears picks up the sound of heavy footsteps.

Ash: Scarlet, stop

Scarlet: Huh, what's wrong?

Ash's ears left ear begins to flutter faster. Ash looks at Scarlet and gestured him to dodge. An Ursa minor comes out of the way.

Scarlet: Okay big boy, let's see what you've got.

Scarlet and Ash sprints towards the Ursa. Scarlet jumps into the air and as he was slowly coming back down. He turns his blades into guns and his whole body starts spinning like a helicopter while he was shooting. The Ursa was distracted by Scarlet and Ash uses his Raiju sword to cut the Ursa's head off.

Scarlet: Huh, that was easy

Ash: Come my friend, let us proceed to the temple.

With Mark and Raptor

Mark and Raptor kept running their way to the temple. Until out of nowhere three Beowolfs shows in front of them.

Mark: (ready his hammer) Alright, let's get this over with.

Raptor: (cracks his knuckles) Yeah, I don't think your highly advance technology is going to help you at this point.

Mark: Oh....yeah right, I forgot about that. Welp, I guess we're just going to have fight the old fashion way.

The beowolfs charged at them and Mark and Raptor did the same. Raptor made the first on two of them and Mark was focusing on one, constantly twirling, spinning, swinging, his hammering while attacking. Raptor knucklebrass makes a hardlight projections of two long blades and he starts slashing the beowolfs. Mark's hammer turns into a Mac 10 and he starts firing plasma bullets at the beowolf he was fighting. Raptor grabs both beowolfs by their necks, slams them down hard and stabs them in the belly with his long blades, killing them. Mark uses his semblence and transforms his hand into a arm canon.

It looked like this, but purple and white. (Ignore Samus Aran)

Mark killed the beowolf with one powerful shot

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Mark killed the beowolf with one powerful shot.

Raptor: Nice

Mark: Now enough chit chat, let's get to the temple.

Raptor and Mark continued running, until they heard many trees have fallen.

Mark and Raptor: Oh boy

With Ozpin and Glynda

Glynda: the next pair has been formed, sir. Nora Valkyrie and Lie Ren. Poor boy, I can't possibly imagine those two getting along. Still he's probably better off than Miss Nikos.

Ozpin: Mmmm

Glynda: I don't care what his transcripts say. That Jaune fellow is not ready for this level of combat. I'll guess we'll find out soon enough. At their current Pace, they should reach the temple within just a few minutes. Speaking of which, what did you use for relics this year? Professor Ozpin?

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