Team Bio

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Jacques Schnee (Weiss's Father) walked into Ironwood's office, his was in a form of an angry large frown.

Jacques: Are they caught yet?

James Ironwood looked up at Jacque and let's out a sigh.

Ironwood: No, the Ace-ops haven't found them yet.

Jacques: Why is that?

Ironwood: We found remaining relatives and those who are close to them. But, they claim they haven't seen them.

Jacques: We should have them hung for harboring and associating those criminals.

Ironwood: We can't go about killing everyone who has spoken to them, we're taking necessary measures. Clover has already...

Jacques: I don't care what they have done, all I care is capturing those scoundrel.

Ironwood sighs before pressing a couple of holo buttons on his desk, causing a hologram to appear in the air. A file of the criminals was on display in front of Jacques.

Jacques: What is this?

Ironwood: This the current files we have on them. We've sent it to all the leaders of the kingdoms and every headmaster of the academies. They'll be spotted or caught in no time. In the meantime, why don't you have look over it, it'll tell you everything.

Jacques huffed before reading the file in front of him.

Jacques huffed before reading the file in front of him

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Name: Scarlet Oscuro

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Name: Scarlet Oscuro

Nickname: Scar

Age: 17

Birthday: June 13th

Height: 5'6

Race: Humans

Gender: Male

Outfit: Red, Black, White

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Brown Eyes

Aura Color: Red


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