Harder than I thought

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Robin Hood's Point of view:

I woke up in a flash and took in my surroundings. I must have passed out. However, I was sort of conscious yesterday evening. I had a visitor, but I don't recall anything. I slowly turned to get on my feet. The floor was cold, and my legs shook with great strain. I held onto the cot to steady myself. Merlin and Gaius had already started their day for the room was empty. I could not remember where I put my cape. That's when my eyes landed on a basket with a note. I made my way over to it and realized who it was from. The lady I had previously switched my appearances sent me a basket with my cloak and bow in it. I did a little dance around the room much to my body's protest. I pulled off the garments on top of the wicker basket. A grin spread across my tiresome face. The vibrant hunting cloak was freshly washed and smelled of the lavender. I ran to Merlin's room and opened his cupboard. Most of his clothes were on the ground, but I managed to find a pair a brown trousers and a brown tunic. To be honest I thought Merlin only had blue shirts with red scarves. Peeking out the window, I estimated the time to be around ten in the morning. I racked my brain for any scheme to trouble our friend the sheriff. I looked at the window in line with Gaius's table. Gathering all the courage I had, I unlocked and jumped through the glass square. I winced as my legs landed on the roof. I hope this didn't backfire, but I needed to put an end to the sheriff's hurrah. I scaled down the castle until I reached the ground. I appeared from the backstreet and made my way to buy a piece of bread to eat. It had been awhile since I've had fresh baked bread. I greeted the baker to whom his jaw dropped.
"You're that..."
"Robin Hood," I said with my best man impression.
I pointed to a slice of bread.
He stuttered, "That will be..." I already had the change in my hand.
"Thank you baker," I excepted the slice.
"No, thank you," he replied.
"For what, may I ask?"
"The coins you gave to my family allowed for us to each have an efficient dinner." My gut dropped. These people were suffering. I know that it definitely wasn't Camelot's royalty itself. My past experiences with the sheriff are enough to hold him guilty for what is happening in Camelot. I put my hand out for the baker to shake and I left his shop. I bit into the bread and my stomach grumbled with delight. The sheriff was out collecting taxes with the other knights. I smugly approached the group. They hadn't notice I was coming near them. I figured a cloaked figure would stand out in the city, but the people never seem to notice much. I grabbed my bow from off my back and pulled an arrow over my head. I notched the arrow in the bow aiming for the sheriff's ridiculous cape. The arrow flew in a spiral meeting its target. The stupid man gasped and the knights were shocked. Putting my arms out to the sides, I laughed.
"Well, that was easy."
"How dare you attack me?" He screeched. The knights readied themselves to fight me. However, I wasn't looking for a fight with them at least.
"No one wants you in Camelot, Sheriff," I slurred angrily.
He looked at me suspiciously, "I can say the same to you." The knights were still focused, but somehow had time to chuckle. I notched another arrow.
"You will rot in jail until the day you die, Rot-tingham!" Cheers and squeals came from all over the plaza. The Sheriff of Nottingham ordered his knights to charge. The game was on. I slowly backed away. Then, instantly I turned around and bolted. The knights chased me through the market knocking over merchants' products. I dodged a group of women gawking over a dress, however some guards weren't as lucky. I looped back around and climbed onto the fountain.
"People of Camelot..." I started to announce.
"The Sheriff of Rottingham, I mean Nottingham..." A few snickers could be heard from the crowd. "Is a tyrannical man. He only wants your money." The crowd gasped. "He is a fraud and a coward." I saw Arthur look out from his window. He was shocked to see me back, and that's when he poked his head back in. "We can stop him; the king will hear our pleas and fear our rebellion." There were mixed reactions from the crowd. "Wouldn't you like not to have to worry about what you can afford to eat tonight?" The crowd respond with cheers and whistles. "I have heard of your struggles and come to help. I have taken down one monarchy, and I will do it again." The crowd was appalled, but applauded. Arthur and the sheriff had their men at their sides. Arthur's men came in from the front and the sheriff's men from the back. I hopped off the water fountain and into the crowd. The knights shoved passed people to find me. Like usual, I crept off to the backstreet I had originally came from. I decided to take a risk by going through the castle. I don't think my legs could handle the climb. I unhooked the cloak and wrapped it under my tunic. I didn't know where to hide my bow and arrows. Simply shrugging, I started towards the physician chambers.
I opened the door to see Gaius impatiently tapping his foot. "You have already injured yourself and now you are threatening Camelot!" He practically yelled.

"Gaius be quiet, someone will hear you," I pressed.

"If you bring harm to Camelot's royalty, I will have to turn you in."

"I don't mean to harm anyone, other than the sheriff," I defensively said.

"Then have your disputes with the sheriff somewhere else." I was growing irritated. I knew the sheriff. He was selfish and an utter fool. I rubbed the temples of my eyes. Taking in a deep breath, I turned back to Gaius.

"I will be gone as so as the sheriff is."


"I will be out of Camelot and go to the only way of life I have." I stormed out of the room, despite my legs' protest. Merlin passed me as I closed the door. Before he had the chance to register my face, I had been already down the hall. Tears threatened to spill out of my eyes. I had no time for tears. I was stronger than that. I spent three years of my life in sorrow. I won't suffer that stupid weakness again.
I headed to the rundown sun tavern. The place was always busy from the evenings on. With great force, I pushed the doors open. I got some looks, but no one seemed to care. I knew my reputation as Marian would go down a bit for being in a tavern, but I just needed a drink.
"Ale," I requested. I took in my surroundings: the pub music fading in the background, the smell of sweat, and the dim lighting that haunted the place. I took a swig of the bitter ale as it tickled down my dry throat. I hadn't been in a tavern as myself. Robin Hood was the only one manly enough for it. I mentally smiled. Camelot wasn't so bad. I pushed those thoughts aside. I couldn't stay here. This isn't my life, and I won't mess up Arthur's destiny by being here. I let myself zone out to the lousy music. My eye lids flickered peacefully. That's until I felt a pair of eyes on me. I turned quickly to see someone in a black cloak looking right at me. I was overwhelmed by nerves. I hopped off the stool and made my way to the exit. When the fresh air hit my face, I knew I was safe. Taking a couple of steps forward, I stopped. A shadowy figure grabbed ahold of my dress and brought me to the backstreet. I squirmed and fought back. He grip was strong, but didn't intend to cause pain. He let go and pulled off his hood. I was in shock. Why was he there? How much attention did I bring?

I hope you like this chapter. It is longer than my other ones. Sorry for not updating right away. With break coming up, I have had so many tests. Who do you think pulled her away? 

Word count: 1450

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