"But only because I want her to suffer." Nick smirks at me. I roll my eyes at his actions but quickly follow with a laugh.

"Then it's final. You're stuck here so let's start this." Clay stands up which causes me to stand as well.

I return to my spot in between Nick and George as Clay starts up another camera and stands in front of us. I know that I've got this challenge in the bag and I'm pretty sure that Nick and George know that as well.

Nick, George and I hold dry erase boards and markers in our hands as Clay gets ready to ask us question one. "Question one, how did I meet Sapnap?"

I shoot a glare towards Clay. That's one free point to Nick. But we all end up paintless for question one.

"Question two, who is my favorite person?" Clay smirks and I know immediately what his mind is thinking.

As if George and Nick are thinking the exact same thing, they both write me on their boards. I was tempted but I know Clay better than anyone. The word yourself reads across my board and Clay's smirk grows.

I watch Clay intently as he loads up paint onto his hands and throws paint at his best friends. I should be clean but splatter from his hands get me. "Hey!" I stand up trying to escape but it's not quick enough. It's a fail.

"Babe I'm going to glue your butt to the seat. Now sit." Clay places his paint covered hands to my shoulders and presses down.

"Dream!" I swat at him but he's too quick and gets out of reach and hidden behind the camera before I can get to him.

"We should have known Sapnap." George says as he looks behind me at Nick who's on the other side of me.

"Dream is so cocky. So full of himself." Nick looks at the camera as he speaks.

"Question three, what year did I start playing Minecraft?" Clay looks at me slyly knowing that I don't know the answer to this question. I'm waiting for him to give me a hint but I get nothing.

"Fuck you." I mumble and just scribble a random year down onto my white board. We show our boards to the camera and I instantly check the boys and I'm wrong.

Clay doesn't even hesitate for a second to toss paint at me. I flinch at the flying of paint and am covered in the matter of seconds. I swear I could kill this man. But it's for meaning. It's for a purpose.

"Question four, what is my least favorite word?" Clay looks at me and panders to my heart. I know that there are a few words that could but I think that we do live on one wave length. That we will have the same answer.

"This question is stupid I'm not answering." Nick says crossing his arms. Clay immediately covers him in paint.

George jokingly writes down Nameless and I follow with almost... My hand hesitates as the word swirls onto the white board. But when it's there I feel my heart skip beats. Heart shattering thoughts run rampant through my mind.

We show our boards to Clay and I watch the life flood from his eyes as his focus is pulled towards mine. "New question." Clay says behind baited breath. No one gets a point. No one gets anything. The question is forgotten. Answers are erased like they never happened. The last few minutes erased.

We're down the final question after about an hour of filming. I thought that I would be the least covered but unfortunately I feel like I'm the most covered. Clay's questions have been beyond biased. He's keeping them as far from personal as he can. He still likes keeping his personal and content lives separate. Well, besides me I guess.

"All three of you are inside a house burning to the ground. Who do I save?" Clay looks between the three of us. He could really choose any of us. I think carefully through my choices, tapping my marker to the plastic covering the edges of the board.

I look to my left, and then to my right. Nick and George have there answers written and their boards hidden. It's all down to this final moment.

He would choose George because he's George. He's the main person he does content with. He's his best friend. He's pretty much his other half. He wouldn't be Dream without George really.

Then there is Nick. His friend for almost as long as I had been his friend. That's crazy to think about. That's seems unfathomable that Nick has been in Clay's life so long. Because I had never known about Nick until a few years ago. Clay was always so good at hiding the parts of him he didn't want anyone to know about.

Lastly, there's me. His everything. The person he can't live without. He's tried but he just can't live without me. He becomes void of life. Void of absolutely all the things that make him human. He seizes to exist without me. He isn't him without me. Would he really chance losing himself?

Would he choose none of us? If he can't save all of us then would he save any one of us? Will he be too broken from not being able to save us all?

Would he try to save us all and risk his life? Would he fight and walk out with no one? Not even himself?

Or would he save the girl who has been his warm body when he's had nothing left? Patches. She could heal the wounds of losing it all. He would save her first. First and always.

I scribble down Patches onto my board and turn it over on my lap. Clay wouldn't be able to choose. Nick, George, and I mean to much to him to pick one. He wouldn't be able to live with himself knowing that he couldn't save us all. He would rather lose us all then give one of us survivors guilt. He wouldn't be selfish. He is the most selfless person I know. Despite what his past decisions put forth.

"Three, two, one." We all turn our boards together and I look at the boys answers. They've both got my name on their board and I look at Clay. He smiles quickly. But it's a smile I know only I will ever be able to catch. It's the subtleties still that get me.

"Nameless got it." Clay grabs to globs of paint and tosses it at his friends. Nick and George try to fight him. But I know Clay best. Clay would pick Patches 100/100 times.

We do an outro to the vlog which Clay ends up covered in paint. We can't have and art piece of our shirts if he doesn't have one as well. He was just in some unreleased dream team merch so it wasn't like he couldn't get another shirt of it. We weren't ruining anything important to him.

First vlog equals a success. At least in my book. It was a simple throwback to the old ways of YouTube. What I grew up watching. We would return to the normal scheduled content in the next video. The high energy wild shit everyone loves these days.

We were on a wild adventure together. An adventure I never knew I would be on a year ago. How time flies.


A/N: nameless' first vlog. of course it ends in a paint war with the boys for unfair answers to questions. would you rally ever expect anything different? because you shouldn't.

i hope you al enjoyed. if you did make sure to leave a vote and a comment. <3

much love, Ashley

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