I couldn't get words out of my mouth again. I stood her in utter shock.

He cheated on me.

He threw everything away that we had.

"Since when?" I lowered my head. I could look at his face anymore. I heard a loud bang then it started raining. I felt the first raindrops caressing my skin which perfectly hid the tears that started running down my face.

"For a while now," he admitted which made me bawl my fists together. I was staring at the grass underneath us while my vision started to blur out from the tears that were in my eyes. I was having trouble breathing in and out. I was having a panic attack.

My heartbeat started to get faster and faster. I felt like I'm going to pass out from all the heaviness on my chest.

I lifted my head and barged towards him with clenched fists. I then did something never thought would do to him.

I punched him. Hard.

I then looked at him and saw he had a clenched jaw and was breathing in and out. Raindrops where running down his face and his hair was wet.

He looked down at me with narrowed eyes.

I started punching his chest with both of my hands while screaming at him.

"You fucking asshole,"

"How could you do that?"

"I hate you,"

"You destroyed everything,"

"You just destroyed me,"

"I hate you,"

"I hate you,"

"I hate you,"

"I HATE YOU!!!!"

I repeatedly punched his chest while he kept a straight face and I had a face full of tears.

"Rot in hell, asshole. Don't ever talk to me again," that was the last time I will talk to Axel Garcia.

I walked away and just kept looking straight forward. I didn't want to turn my head.

A little part of me wanted him to grab me and push me back to his chest and then hug me with his arms, telling me it was a joke. But the other part of me wanted to forget him and just cry in my room.

How could he do this to me?

What did I do wrong for him to have the need to cheat on me?

Did I say something wrong?

Was I not good enough?

Did I not make him happy?

What the hell did I do?

I was driving through New York, thinking where the fuck I should go. I knew I couldn't go to the apartment because of the cameras so I decided to call Aaliyah.

''Hey, are you at home?'' she whispered through the phone.

I sniffed.

''Hey Hey Hey, what happened?'' she asked worriedly. I didn't answer because it was hard to get the words out.

''Come to my place,'' she said and I hung up.

I drove towards her house and stopped across the street. I parked the car and then turned of the engine. I turned my head towards her house and saw Aaliyah waiting at the front porch for me.

Aaliyah walked down the porch steps and I got out of the car. Aaliyah saw my face and immediately ran towards me. She pulled me into a tight and safe hug once she stood in front of me.

She and I didn't say anything to one another, we just stood there while I cried my eyeballs out.

I let out an ugly and loud cry while Aaliyah rubbed my back up and down.

''Shh, let it out,'' she whispered.

''He broke up with me,'' I sobbed.

''He cheated on me with somebody else,'' just saying that made me scream in pain. I couldn't stand on both of my feet anymore. I broke down and fell. Aaliyah held me in her arms while going down with me.

''Let's get you inside. It's getting cold and we're both drenched in water,'' she helped me up and we both started walking into her house.

Once we got inside, we both went up to her room. ''Wait here, I will get you some new clothes to wear,'' she said and walked towards her closet.

She came back with a pile of clothes in her hands. ''Here. Change into these and I will bring you a cup of warm chocolate,'' she said and I nodded.

I stripped my drenched clothes and changed into new ones. I sat back on the bed and waited for Aaliyah. She came back after a few minutes with two cups of warm chocolate drinks.

She handed me a cup and then changed into her new clothes.

She then sat beside me and stared at me. ''Do you want to talk about it?'' she carefully asked.

''There's nothing to talk about. He just broke up with me. He has been cheating on me for a while now,'' I sniffed out while going through my wet hair.

''I will fucking kill him,'' she mumbled.

''I will personally go to his house and kill him in the worst way possible,'' she gritted through her teeth.

''Aaliyah, it doesn't matter anymore. He did what he did we can't change that,'' I lowered my head and wiped my tears away.

''B, it does matter. He broke your heart and we have to break him something too. I would recommend one leg, both arms, his dick, and three ribs,'' she said which made me chuckle slightly.

''It worked,'' she smirked. I furrowed my brows in confusion. ''I got you to smile,'' she proudly said.

I chuckled again while sniffing.

''Okay, I think now we definitely need the Ice Cream,'' she said and stood up.

Before she could walk away, I grabbed her hand and she turned around.

''Thank you, Aaliyah,'' I smiled up at her.

She smiled back and nodded. ''As I said, I will always be here for you,''

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I don't know about y'all but Aaliyah is my favorite character.

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