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Need To Know - Doja Cat

^^ how I imagine Gabriella^^-------

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^^ how I imagine Gabriella^^

"ARE you ready?" I asked Mikayla who was next to me loading her gun.

"Girl, I'm a leader of one of the best Mafias in the world," she confidently said while smirking. I shook my head in amusement because of her amazing personality.

We are currently at the Warehouse of the Columbia Cartel, that by the way is very small. We arrived this morning by helicopter. I actually wanted to do this alone since Mika is pregnant but she instead to help me after we arrived.

She said she had enough of seeing her son suffer the way she and Alec suffered many years ago.

It's like history repeats itself, she said.

"Are you sure he is here?" Mika asked while looking around.

"I'm to 99.9% sure that he is here," I sheepishly smiled at her. She raised a brow.

"And what about the 0.1%?"

"That he isn't here and we will probably end up dead. So let's hope he is here," I said while chuckling awkwardly. She rolled her eyes and sighed.

"Let's go," I said and started moving towards the entrance.

The whole place isn't secured and we had an easy way in.

Once we got inside the Warehouse, Mika and I started moving further into the building. I knew they had a meeting so that means they are in one of the rooms in this small building.

"Should we split?" Mika asked. I slowly shook my head while opening the first door and saw nothing important was in it.

"It's better we stay together because you are pregnant and I don't wanna explain to Alec how you died. And why would we want to split? Have you ever seen a horror movie? They get killed every fucking time when they split. So no! We are staying together," I ordered and she rolled her eyes again.

"We are sticking to the plan. We find Dimitri and kill him. It wouldn't be smart to take him with us as your son did. We are going to kill him right here," I explained. I knew taking that asshole with us will cause us more problems.

"You're right. Since you have a bigger problem with him, I think you have the honors and kill him," she said with a smirk and I chuckled.

"Well, thank you," I said and smiled.

"Let's continue finding that asshole," Mika said with so much confidence.

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