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Nate - NF

-------❦Nate - NF❦

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"BELLA! Wake up! You have school today," I heard my mom yell from downstairs. I slowly opened my eyes and closed them right after I opened them. The sun was shining right at my face and I took a moment to enjoy it since I never do.

"I won't repeat myself, Isabella!" my mom yelled again.

I groaned and stood up from my lovely best friend. My bed. My bed will always be loyal to me no matter what. He is there when I need him. He is better at giving cuddles than boys.

I walked into my bathroom and took a glimpse of my face. My hair was a hot mess. I looked like I didn't take a shower in days. I sighed and started to brush my teeth.

After that, I did my business and took a long hot shower.

I got out of the shower and got dressed. Since it's the first day of school after the holidays I chose something casual.


I went downstairs and when I got there I heard my mother talking to my little brother, Alessio

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I went downstairs and when I got there I heard my mother talking to my little brother, Alessio.

We moved to Brooklyn, NY one year ago for a new start. After what happened to my Dad and me, we just thought we need a new start as a family.

"Morning," I said when I walked into the kitchen. My mom was cooking and my brother was playing video games on his phone.

"Morning, sweetheart," my mom said while cooking.

"Hey, buddy," I said and caressed my brother's hair. He pushed my hand away and let out an annoying sigh.

"Should I take you with me today?" I asked him while my mom brought me my breakfast. I thanked her and waited for his answer.

"No, my friends and I will meet up at the bus station," he explained and I nodded.

"By the way, mom. I have figure skating practice today so I won't be home until 6 pm,"

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