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bad idea - Ariana Grande

-------❦bad idea - Ariana Grande❦

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^Isabella's Outfit^

TODAY, I woke up with the worst abdomen pain that I ever had. I got my period. And on top of that, I oversleep practice because I stayed up last night to watch some movies. It was the weekend and I just wanted to chill for a little bit.

Lucky me

I just entered the school and was on my way to my class but a very excited and very energetic Nova came giggling towards me. And I was definitely not in the mood.

''Oh Bella!'' she exclaimed while the other students in the hallway started at her weirdly. She stopped right in front of me. ''How is my beautiful best friend doing on this beautiful Monday morning?'' she giggled and I scoffed. This girl is not normal.

''I'm definitely not okay,'' I said in pain while holding my abdomen. She pouted her lips. ''You're on your period?'' she asked and I nodded.

''Do you wanna have some medicine?'' I nodded again because I was too tired to speak.

She grabbed her bag and got some pills out for me. She also gave me her water bottle and I swallowed the pill while drinking water.

''Do you wanna go to our class?'' she asked and I nodded.

We walked to our class and that's when I saw Khalil sitting in the classroom while scrolling through his phone. I went and sat at my usual table and said ''Hey, hot stuff,'' he looked up with a smirk. ''Hey, short stuff,'' he chuckled and I scoffed.

''How are you? Haven't talked to you in such a long time,'' I said,

''I'm good. I had a lot on my plate,'' he explained and I nodded. We continued talking and catching up on a few things.

''Sorry but I have to say it. You look like shit today,'' he chuckled. ''Well, thank you for your honesty,'' I chuckled. ''But yeah I feel like shit too,'' I said started rubbing my face with both of my hands.

He placed his hand on the top of my head and ruffled my hair. I pushed his hand away and chuckled. That's when I heard the boys walk in while chuckling and talking. I turned my attention back to Khalil and continued talking to him.

''What are you doing this weekend?'' he asked me. ''I have a weekend planned with the girls because I could do it last time,'' I said and he pouted. ''Can I join?'' he smirked. I shook my head. ''No, sorry. No boys allowed,'' I said and he chuckled.

We were interrupted by a loud cough on the left side. I turned my head and saw Axel staring at Khalil with an angry expression. Khalil turned his head back to me and asked ''Is he okay?'' he whispered and I shrugged my shoulders.

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