An Unexpected Message

Start from the beginning

Once he got his laughter under control he looked at George, who's lip was trembling and eyes were watering from keeping the laughter bottled up. "My lungs are gonna burst," Dream whispered, clutching his chest, which was aching.

"Your mom," George replied, and Dream covered his mouth once more to keep from laughing and disrupting the whole classroom. The joke didn't even make sense, but the way George said it was so funny he couldn't help but laugh.

"That doesn't even make sense," Dream said. His voice sounded strangled as he tried to keep it down.

"Why are you laughing at it then?" George whispered with a wide grin.

"I don't even know," Dream replied, blinking the tears out of his eyes.

"What are you boys laughing about back there?" The professor's voice boomed from the front of the room. The video that was being projected on the wall abruptly stopped and the lights switched on, blinding them momentarily. The rest of the students in the classroom turned around to face Dream and George, glaring at the two of them with annoyed or angry expressions. Dream's eyes were wide as he glanced over at George, who looked just as nervous.

"Um..." Dream began, but the professor waved her hand for silence.

"You two have been laughing this entire class. What is so funny?" She asked furiously. She had gray Karen-cut hair and looked like she was about one hundred years old.

"We're so sorry, ma'am. We will—"

"No! I don't want to hear your apologies, I want to hear what you were laughing about," she said, crossing her arms and frowning at them. It was clear she was not going to continue until they told her what she wanted to hear.

"We were laughing because, uh..." Dream tried to think of something to say, but he blanked out. His face was hot with embarrassment.

"We were laughing at your face," George suggested quietly. Dream shot him a quick glare, but despite the situation they were in he couldn't help but crack a smile.

"Shut up," Dream said quietly through clenched teeth.

"What was that?" The professor demanded, leaning in as if to hear what they were saying. "Mister Davidson, why don't you repeat what you said? A little louder, please."

"I said we were laughing at your face, ya old witch," George called loudly, his face filled with confidence and lacking any fear.

The room was filled with snickers and gasps and 'oohs from the students. Dream's jaw dropped. The professor took a step back, her eyes filled with shock, which was quickly replaced by anger and her face reddened up even more.

"Get out! Both of you!" She shrieked, and pointed at the door. Dream and George quickly stood, gathered their stuff, and hustled out the door, aware of every student's eyes boring into their skulls as the door slammed behind them.

"George, what the hell was that?" Dream asked as they walked down the hallway towards the exit. They would not be allowed to re-enter the classroom for the rest of the day.

"What?! She wanted to know what we were laughing about, so I told her," he replied with a shrug.

Dream rolled his eyes, but he couldn't help but smirk. "I can not believe you sometimes," he said. "You're crazy."

George looked at him doubtfully. "I'm not crazy. I've just got balls, unlike someone here," he replied with a grin.

Dream scoffed. "You think calling the English professor a witch isn't crazy?"

"No, because it's true!"

"She is, but you aren't supposed to say it right in front of her!"

"She needed to hear the truth!"

"No she didn't!"

The two burst out laughing. Tears streamed from Dream's eyes. He had never laughed as hard as when he was with George.

"You're so stupid. Now you got us both kicked out," Dream laughed.

"It was worth it," George concluded.

"Yeah," Dream agreed, which led to more laughter. The two made it outside and climbed into Dream's car. Each day, they took turns driving each other to the school. It was pretty much an unspoken rule.

"Your place or mine?" Dream asked.

"How about... coffee."


Dream started the car and they left to get coffee.

"Do you think she's going to report us or something?" Dream asked.

"I hope not. I need to get these stupid classes over with so I can get out of this damn school," George grumbled. Dream nodded. He knew George was having some trouble with money, and college was expensive as hell.

They got to Starbucks and enjoyed some nice coffee together. They sat outside and talked about whatever came to mind; the professors, the kids at the school, jobs they wanted to get, careers they wanted to pursue. Suddenly George brought up girls at the school, and asked if Dream had a crush on any of them.

"Let's see... There's Kathy, she's a cheerleader. I think she likes you. And there's Rebecca, Emily, Ava... they all probably like you, too. Whenever I see a girl they're always staring at you," George suggested. "You could have any one of them. You're good looking, I guess," he added. Dream looked away. He was determined not to let his fluster show. George just called him good-looking? That wasn't something he heard every day.

What Dream couldn't say was that he wasn't interested in any of the girls at school. He was only interested in one person - and he was sitting right across from him.

"Well, I guess Emily is pretty hot. I don't really like her, though. Too self-obsessed," Dream said.

"What about Kathy? She's nice."

"Yeah... cheerleaders aren't really my type."

George widened his eyes. "Oh, so you have a type now, huh? What's your type? Blondes? Brunettes? Quiet girls?"

Dream searched desperately for something to change the subject. "I'm not telling! What about you, George? What's your type?"

George narrowed his eyes. "Quit changing the subject, doofus. What, you're telling me you don't have a crush? I'm going to get it out of you," he pried. Dream glared at him. He had to make something up. What should he say? He felt his hopes shattering more and more as George continued to pry. If George was asking all of these questions, did that mean he was into girls? Had Dream been getting the wrong idea? Had George ever liked him; as more than just friends? Was Dream just delusional?

"Well..." Dream faltered.

Suddenly George burst out laughing. "I'm joking, idiot! Of course I know you're into me."

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