George, who was standing, glanced down at Dream as the teacher asked yet another question. He gave George a sympathetic look, and even though George knew he couldn't help him, he felt better knowing Dream was there. He answered incorrectly again, and the teacher smirked while the kids in the corner began making comments on 'how stupid he was.' George sat down, sliding down in his seat so he could hide his face. He was so embarrassed.

"God, he's so dumb. Why is he even here? Don't you have to be smart to be in this class?" He heard one of the girls snicker.

"Yeah. The professor should just kick him out already," one of the guys answered with a scoff. George sighed and was glad for the darkness as the professor turned off the lights and a presentation began, projected on the whiteboard at the head of the room.

After a moment of watching the presentation silently, George felt a hand on his shoulder and looked over to see Dream looking at him with anger in his eyes. "Damn, the professor was grilling you," he said quietly. George sighed.

"Yeah, I know," he answered. His guts felt like they were in a knot with shame. "I barely knew any of the answers."

"Yeah, neither did I," Dream agreed. "Those were some tough questions," he said.

"And then those kids in the corner were making fun of me. Geez, this really is a crappy class," George said. For some reason he could feel tears stinging his eyes and he was clenching his teeth to keep his lip from twitching.

"I'm sorry about that. I'll take care of them," Dream promised, and when George looked in his eyes he realized he wasn't joking.

"What are you going to do?" George asked.

"Teach them a lesson," Dream said before sitting back in his chair. George looked over at him, confused and somewhat annoyed. What was Dream going to do to them? He was surely bluffing.

After class George stood to exit the classroom, his skin crawling with unease as he prepared to pass the kids in the corner to get to the door. Just as he thought he was safe, he heard one of the kids yell, "Hey!" George grimaced and turned around slowly to see the five of them advancing on him, the guys in the front and girls trailing behind. "Did you blow in from Britain?" One of the guys laughed in a mock British accent.

"I can tell he did. They're all idiots over there. He probably didn't even pass second grade!" Another guy snickered to the others. George took a breath to reply, but before he could get the chance Dream appeared at his side and the guys stopped.

"Says you, Brad. Didn't you retake the eighth grade three times? How is that even possible?" Dream retorted.

"Twice, actually. Just because you're some math prodigy doesn't mean you're better than all of us. So fuck off, dreamy boy. We all know what happened last time you tried to stick up to me," Brad shot back, standing himself taller. Dream rolled his eyes. Brad was a bit shorter than Dream, but he looked pretty heavy and George didn't know which of them would win in a fight.

"Yeah, whatever. That was two years ago. You've lost your edge since then," Dream retorted. George bit his lip to stop from scoffing, and even Brad's friends gave "ohhh"s of surprise. Brad's face reddened up.

"Yeah? Have you seen yourself lately? You look like a fucking twig. I don't understand how you're still on the Varsity team. Also your face looks like you were hit with the ball a few too many times. What happened? Did your little sister beat you up?" He asked with a smirk. His friends went wild, cheering and laughing like it was the best comeback they've ever heard. George scowled at Brad.

"No, he was standing up for someone. Because that's who he is. I can see you, on the other hand, take joy in ruining other peoples' days," George shot back, voice filled with anger. Brad turned to him.

"Okay, little snowflake, whatever you say. But this guy has never won a fight in his life," Brad snickered. At that, Dream took a step forward, but George stopped him by grabbing his forearm firmly.

"Let's go, Dream. These guys aren't worth our time," he growled, and Dream reluctantly backed off and they left together. George couldn't help but flick the guy off as he stepped out the door.

George and Dream walked in silence, fuming, until they reached George's locker. George stuffed his books in his backpack and grabbed the books for his next class. "Those assholes," Dream said through clenched teeth as George shut his locker.

"It's fine, Dream, those guys don't mean anything. They'll probably end up working at McDonalds for the rest of their lives," George said, trying to be humorous. Dream didn't crack a smile.

"They have no right to talk to you like that. They do this to every single new kid. They need to be taught a lesson," Dream replied, not making eye contact. His face didn't betray his anger, but his eyes were glittering with rage.

"I don't need protecting, alright? I can take care of myself," George replied, walking towards his next classroom. Dream followed.

"Yeah, well they still need to be put in their place."

"No, they don't. Not by you," George shot back. "I don't need to see you getting into another fight."


"No." Dream looked at him, annoyed, and George stared right back. "Don't do anything stupid. I'll be out of class in a couple of hours," George said as he entered the classroom.

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