The Aftermath

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Soon they arrived at the apartment and the two stepped out of the car. George made sure Dream wasn't toppling over as they walked over to meet Sapnap and Bad, who were walking towards them as well.

"That was so fucking intense," Sapnap exclaimed under his breath when they were all together.

"Language!" Bad hissed. George gave a small grin.

"Yeah, I guess it was," George agreed.

"I guess pretty boy needs a little makeover. Shall we go inside?" Sap continued. Dream rolled his eyes.

"Yes," George said.

"Actually, guys, I have a lecture at noon, so I have to go," Bad said with a glance at his watch.

"Alright, cya later," Sap and George both said before Bad waved and turned to leave. Sapnap led them into the building up to the third floor, down the hall to room 307. He unlocked the door and pushed inside. George was surprised by how roomy it was. There was a medium-sized kitchen and a fairly large dining and living room area. There were two bedrooms and one bathroom. "Do you guys have rubbing alcohol? We are going to need bandages, gauze, and Neosporin if you got it," George said.

"I'm on it, chief," Sap said before saluting and walking off to the closet. George rolled his eyes and went into the kitchen, searching through the drawers until he found a rag, which he then dampened with warm water from the sink. He then searched through some more drawers and found a plastic bag, filled it with ice from the freezer, and grabbed a towel to wrap it with. He returned to Dream, who was removing his blood-covered shirt to replace it with a clean one. George found himself averting his gaze from Dream's muscular figure. He fought the blush in his cheeks and handed Dream the ice pack.

"Thanks," Dream acknowledged before placing it on one of the bad bruises on his cheekbone. He tried to take the warm rag from George's hand, but he dodged his grab.

"No, no, no. I will be the one doctoring you today," George corrected.

"Oh really? And what makes you think you're my doctor?" Dream asked.

"Because..." George searched for an answer. "I don't know. I used to get a lot of scraped elbows and torn-up knees at my old schools. Let's just say I wasn't the most popular," George said. "So I maybe know a little more about cleaning wounds than you." At that, Dream backed off.

"Alright, you win," he surrendered, and George began cleaning the drying blood from his face and neck. His stomach felt fluttery every time their skin made contact, or when Dream's soft breath blew against his hand. He couldn't stop looking into those beguiling green eyes. When his face was clean, George surveyed the injuries. He had some cuts and a few bruises on his cheeks and chin, but his nose was in-tact and there was nothing too serious. "You're lucky that guy missed your eyes and nose, or you might've had to visit the hospital," George said after a moment.

"Yeah, well, un-luckily for you, they guy didn't miss your nose. You've got blood all over you," Dream said with a slight frown. George blinked as Dream took the rag from his hands and leaned closer. "You had your chance to doctor me. Now it's my turn," Dream said as he began wiping the blood from George's lips and chin. George focused on Dream's concentrated expression as he delicately wiped the blood from his face. He felt his heart beating quicker than usual as their eyes made contact. George's gaze quickly flitted away and Dream sat back, looking satisfied. "Alright, you're good. It doesn't look broken, so I think you're fine," Dream said as he walked to the kitchen to rinse the bloody rag.

"Good. I've broken my nose before, and it's not exactly fun," George said.

"Oh really?" Dream asked over his shoulder. "So you got bullied at home, huh? Why's that?" He asked curiously.

"Well, when I was younger I was quite short, and I guess I was an easy target because I didn't have many friends. I knew this one girl, but then she moved away and I got kind of... Sad," George explained. He sighed and leaned back in his seat. "So what about you? What's your backstory?" George changed the subject.

"I was never bullied, if that's what you mean. I have always just sort of been the quiet kid, sitting in the back of the room. If you know what I mean," Dream started.

"Ha!" Sapnap's voice interrupted from behind George. He turned to see he was carrying bandages, butterfly stitches, rubbing alcohol, and Neosporin. "Dream was never the quiet kid. Don't let his humility hide his big ego," Sapnap mused as he set the items on the table. George reached for the butterfly stitches and glanced at Dream.

"You might want these for a couple of your cuts," George suggested as Dream turned to him.

"Sure," Dream said as he sat back in the chair beside him. George gently pinched together the largest cuts and stuck on the butterfly stitches. Dream winced as he pinched a little too harshly on one of them.

"Sorry," George apologized. When the cuts were stuck together, George sat back and smiled, proud of his work. "Alright, you're done."

"Geez, I've been trying to keep track of how many times you guys have gazed into each others' eyes, but I've lost count by now," Sapnap commented with a scoff. Dream and George both glared at him.

"What?" George asked with a confused and irked expression.

"Shut up," Dream said in an irritated voice, and George thought he saw blush on his cheeks as he turned away. He walked over to the refrigerator and opened it. "You guys hungry? I can make sandwiches for lunch if you want," he asked as he scanned the shelves.

"Yeah, I'm starving. I haven't eaten yet today," George admitted.

"I'm hungry, too," Sapnap agreed.

"Alright," Dream said before taking out pickles, ham, cheese, and mayo. He grabbed bread from the breadbox and laid out six slices over a cutting board. He spread mayo over the bread before beginning to build the sandwiches. George watched. "You guys want something to drink?" Dream asked.

"What do you have?" George asked.

"Coke, Mountain Dew, and Sprite," Dream replied.

"I'll take a Coke," George replied.

"Get me a Mountain Dew," Sapnap said. Dream nodded before opening the fridge again and pulling out two Cokes and a Dew. He handed George his drink and he cracked it open before taking a few sips. Dream soon finished the sandwiches and handed one to George. He thanked him before taking a big bite, his stomach grumbling appreciatively.

When the sandwiches were gone, Sapnap suddenly looked at his phone and his eyes widened. "Oh shit!" He exclaimed, and jumped out of his chair to make a run for the door. "I have a class in five minutes. Gotta go. Have fun!" He called as he flew out the door. "Just not too much fun!" George heard him yell from the other side as he ran down the hall. George scoffed.

"Don't mind him. He's always been weird like that," Dream said with a smirk. George shrugged.

"So what should we do?" George asked after a moment.

Never Let Go || 𝘋𝘕𝘍Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora