Ch 32: The Final Showdown

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Marinette ran home. Her heart beat wildly as her feet pounded on the pavement. She tore open the door to bakery and flew past her parents who exchanged puzzled looks. She pushed the trapdoor to her room open and found all the kwamis out whispering nervously to themselves.

"Tikki! We need to get to Su-Han quickly!" Marinette panted.

"Why are you back so early? Something happened didn't it!" Tikki fretted.

"Yes, but I was saved by Nathalie! She's the one who was akumatized in our dreams," Marinetted replied.

"Then let's get to Su-Han before something happens to Félix!" Tikki nodded.

Marinette placed the earrings back on. "I think I'll grab a couple other allies along the way," she grinned. "Tikki spots on!"


Chat Noir eyed the painting of his mother on the wall. Hawk Moth's lair had been right under his nose this whole time. He pressed the same spots his father had and descended into the unknown.

"Be careful, Félix!" Nathalie called after him.

He could not see Hawk Moth anywhere through the glass elevator. The elevator moved slowly as he itched to confront his father. At least this would give Marinette time to gather reinforcements. He hoped he would be able to see her again.

The elevator doors creaked opened. Cautiously, he made his way along the elevated platform. He stopped at the strange container at the end.

Suddenly it opened, revealing his mother.

"M...mother," Chat Noir gasped. He could feel negative emotions rising. Sadness. Anger. He was confused. He didn't understand why her body was down here.

"It's upsetting. Isn't it, Félix," Hawk Moth growled behind him. He opened his staff revealing an akuma.

"No!" Chat resisted, but it was too late. The butterfly entered his ring.

"You'd do anything for your mother wouldn't you. I can heal her if you just get me Ladybug's miraculous!"

Chat stopped resisting. It was all too much. "Yes, Hawk Moth," he obeyed.

"Tempus, you now have the power to steal life away and give it to other people!"

The dark aura surrounded him and transformed him into Tempus. His entire body was different shades of blue with a large clock centered on his chest.

"Tempus, we need to prepare for our guest," Hawk Moth commanded. He knew they would be here any second.

Right on cue, the glass window in the room shattered and Ladybug jumped through.

"Chat Noir!" she gasped. "Give it up Hawk Moth! You have no chance."

"If you come any closer I will make you regret it!" Hawk Moth yelled, eyeing Tempus.

"I'm fine with staying right here anyways!" she laughed.

"Tempus!" Hawk Moth called.

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